!!!Technische Universität Wien

University of Technology, Vienna, founded in 1815 as Polytechnic 
Institute (by J. J.  Prechtl); at first, it consisted of a  
Realschulesecondary school, a department of commerce and a department 
of technology, and was in fact a combination an institute of higher 
learning, museum ( Vienna Museum of Technology) and an academy. In 
1818, it moved into the newly erected buildings on Karlsplatz square. 
The organisational structure of the university underwent profound 
changes in the second half of the 19%%sup th/%  century, when the 
Realschule and the department of commerce were closed down (in 1851 
and 1865 respectively), the professional drawing courses abandoned 
(1869) and the technological collections transferred to the 
Technologisches Gewerbemuseum (Technological Grammar School) in 1893. 
In 1865, it was given the right to elect a rector 
(5 "technical colleges"), from 1872 to 1975, it was 
called "Technische Hochschule", in 1878, state examinations 
were introduced (since 1917, successful candidates have been awarded 
the title of "Ingenieur" (engineer)); since 1901 right to 
confer doctorates; in 1928 the technical colleges were renamed 
faculties, in 1955 it was organised into 3 faculties; in 1975, it was 
transformed into a University of Technology with currently 5 
faculties: Architecture and Land Development, Civil Engineering, 
Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Electronics and 
Technical Sciences.

150 Jahre Technische Hochschule in Wien 1815-1965, 1965.

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