!!Andreas Gigler: '' Aus tiefer Not ''aus der'' Gesangspostille''

[{Image src='Wissenssammlungen/Musik-Lexikon/Andreas_Gigler_Aus_tiefer_Not_aus_der_Gesangspostille/060107a.jpg' height='250' alt='Andreas Gigler: Aus tiefer Not aus der Gesangspostille' caption='"Gesangspostille"' width='167'}]

In 1569 und 1574 the publisher  Andreas Franck in Graz  printed a ''
Gesangspostille ''(Picture) by Andreas Gigler, the city parish priest
in Graz. This is the oldest known musical work printed in Styria. This
no songbook in the traditional sense but rather a collection of rhymed
strophes from the Gospels with an appendix with melodies. Twenty
chorale melodies were set for four voices by Johannes de Cleve, the
court chapelmaster at that time in Graz,  - half of them based on
Protestant chorales! It may seem strange to us today that such a work
should be somehow a mixture of the two religious camps (cf. J. F.
Fritzius) but in those days, the differences were not so clearly
defined and anyway it remained common for a long time to use the motets
of Catholic composers in Lutheran church services.
Musical example: ''Aus tiefer Not lasst uns zu Gott aus ganzem Herzen schreien ''on a
Melodie by Johannes de Cleve. (E. Stadler)

!Sound Clip
[{Audio src='Wissenssammlungen/Musik-Lexikon/Andreas_Gigler_Aus_tiefer_Not_aus_der_Gesangspostille/060107am.mp3' width='300' height='16' anchor='recommended (Flash)'playertype='mp3'
 caption='"Aus tiefer Not lasst uns zu Gott aus ganzem Herzen schreien" on a melody by Johannes de Cleve\\© Catkanei - Studio für Alte Musik, Graz. (Aufnahme: GM-Tonstudio-Musikverlag Dr. Werner Jauk, Graz)'}]

[{Metadata Suchbegriff='' Kontrolle='Nein'}]

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