!!Antonio Cesti: ''Il pomo d´oro''
[{Image src='Wissenssammlungen/Musik-Lexikon/Antonio_Cesti_Il_pomo_d´oro/070201a.jpg' height='250' alt='Il pomo d´oro' width='375' caption='Antonio Cesti: Il pomo d´oro'}]

As the court vice-chapelmaster, Antonio Cesti (1623 Arezzo - 1669
Florence) wrote the opera '' Il pomo d'oro ''(Picture: The underworld)
for the wedding of his employer, Leopold I, to Margarita of Spain
(1665). The libretto was written by the court poet, Francesco Sbarra,
the ballets by [Johann Heinrich Schmelzer|Wissenssammlungen/Musik-Lexikon/Johann_Heinrich_Schmelzer_Fechtschule/Johann_Heinrich_Schmelzer_Fechtschule_english]. 
The musical example is the aria of Proserpina
from the beginning of the opera: It is a powerful lament about her
unhappiness at having to live in the darkness of the underworld. The
accompaniment of 2 cornetts, 3 trombones, bassoon and regal emphasizes
the dark mood of the piece. The opera '' Pomo d'oro ''can be seen as a
combination of the older Florentine choir opera (i.e. a form in which
the choir plays an important dramatic role) and the newer venetian solo
opera, which reduces the role of the choir. (E. Stadler)\\ \\
 [{Audio src='Wissenssammlungen/Musik-Lexikon/Antonio_Cesti_Il_pomo_d´oro/070201am.mp3'  caption='Sound Clip of Antonio Cesti, Opera: "Il pomo d´oro"\\© Österreichischer Rundfunk, Wien'}]

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