!!!Roman Times
[{Image src='Wissenssammlungen/Musik-Lexikon/Cornu/020103a.jpg' height='250' alt='Cornu' caption='Cornu\\© Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien' width='293'}]   

Cornu = lat. horn, a typical instrument for the military music of the Romans (1st c.
A.D., Wels, Upper Austria, Museum). The first tones of the natural
overtone row can be played and, by overblowing, even their octaves
(military signals). (E. Stadler)
!Sound Clip
[{Audio src='Wissenssammlungen/Musik-Lexikon/Cornu/020103am.mp3' caption='Audio sample of a Cornu\\© Klangführer durch die Sammlung alter Musikinstrumente, Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien, CD-Nr. 516 537-2.'}]        

[{Metadata Suchbegriff='' Kontrolle='Nein'}]

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