!!!Middle Ages/Geistliche Kultur
!!Musical instruments in works of art
[{Image src='Wissenssammlungen/Musik-Lexikon/Darstellungen_von_Musikinstrumenten/040103a.jpg' height='150' 
alt='Musical instruments in works of art' caption='Sculpture of romanic church in Schöngrabern\\private ownership' class='image_block' width='137'}]
[{Image src='Wissenssammlungen/Musik-Lexikon/Darstellungen_von_Musikinstrumenten/040103b.jpg' height='150' 
alt='Musical instruments in works of art' caption='glass window of a wandering minstrel with his fiddle at the feet of Christ on the cross.\\© BDA Wien' class='image_block' width='111'}]
[{Image src='Wissenssammlungen/Musik-Lexikon/Darstellungen_von_Musikinstrumenten/040103c.jpg' height='150' 
alt='Musical instruments in works of art' caption='glass window in the Mary Magdalene Church\\© BDA Wien' class='image_block' width='100'}]
[{Image src='Wissenssammlungen/Musik-Lexikon/Darstellungen_von_Musikinstrumenten/040103d.jpg' height='150' 
alt='Musical instruments in works of art' caption='glass window in the Mary Magdalene Church\\© BDA Wien' class='image_block' width='100'}]
[{Image src='Wissenssammlungen/Musik-Lexikon/Darstellungen_von_Musikinstrumenten/040103e.jpg' height='150' 
alt='Musical instruments in works of art' caption='fresco in the parish church of Trofaiach\\© Helmut Schubert, Graz' class='image_block' width='225'}]
[{Image src='Wissenssammlungen/Musik-Lexikon/Darstellungen_von_Musikinstrumenten/040103f.jpg' height='150' 
alt='Musical instruments in works of art' caption='idealized portrait of Herrand von Wildon with a lute\\© Helmut Schubert, Graz' class='image_block' width='225'}]
[{Image src='Wissenssammlungen/Musik-Lexikon/Darstellungen_von_Musikinstrumenten/040103g.jpg' height='150' 
alt='Musical instruments in works of art' caption='fresco of the parish church of St. Andrae in Thoerl\\private ownership' class='image_block' width='111'}]

The first picture shows a sculpture on the Romanesque church in
Schoengrabern (Lower Austria) (built around 1230 ). It represents  the
15th month of the year, which includes the end of the old year and the
beginning of a new one (December to January). You can see a monster
with a harp on the left and a wheel of fortune on the right. The
sculpture is located on the outside south wall of the church. The basic
idea is to represent the fall from grace, redemption and the Last

The second picture shows a wandering minstrel with his fiddle at the feet of
Christ on the cross. This stained glass window is located on the south
side of the gothic parish church of the village of Weiten near Melk in
Lower Austria and dates back to the 1520's.

In the third and fourth picture two angels that are part of a stained glass window in the Mary
Magdalene Church in Judenburg (Styria) are shown holding a portable
organ (portative) and a harp (late 15th c.). Although they are seen
alone, they most likely belong to the subject of the  Coronation of
Maria which is shown in the same window. This may be a parallel to the
Cherubim and Seraphim who sing the praise of God.

In 1961 a fresco was discovered in the parish church of Trofaiach
which was probably created around theyears 1460/70. It shows four
angels making music which are clearly separated from each other by the
gothic vaulting. Along with the portative (small portable organ), you
can see secular instruments such as the lute and trombone (in two sizes
and thus indicating tuning). The painter obviously wanted to use
"modern" instruments that had only recently come into use in the

The sixth picture shows an idealized portrait of Herrand von Wildon with a
lute, the symbol of a singer/poet in the Middle Ages. This is the
center stone of a gothic arch in the parish church of St. Stephan ob
Stainz. Herrand was presumably the son-in-law of the styrian
Minnesinger Ulrich von Liechtenstein. His songs are included in the
so-called "Manessische Liederhandschrift" (Manessische Song

 The fresco of the parish church of St. Andrae in Thoerl (Carinthia)
was painted by Thomas of Villach (1435/40 - after 1520), an Austrian
painter who shows sings of Italian influences. He was the most
important fresco and canvas painter of the 2nd half of the 15th c. in
Carinthia. This fresco shows two angels with a harp and a lute. (E. Stadler)\\ \\

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