!!!Romantic Period - post 1848
!!Johann Strauss: ''Die Fledermaus'' (The Bat) 

[{Image src='Johann Strauß.jpg' caption='Johann Strauss, around 1875 \\© [Imagno|http://www.imagno.com] Mediennummer 00623922' width='250' alt='Johann Strauss' height='301' popup='false'}]

For Johann Strauß; (1825 - Vienna - 1899) styling (the pictures shows Strauss in middle-age) and public  
image were as important as they are for stars today. His unchanging
appearance became a trademark of a culture of discerning entertainment.
The society of the 19th century handled crisis situations better if there was
also relief in the form of dance, opera and operetta occasionaly with
extravagant music and scenery. This waltz from the overture to
''Fledermaus'' in particular (1874) demonstrates Strauss' technique
of adding ever new themes to his delicate, melodious phrases along with
transparent harmonies that also include nuances such as sections in
minor keys. Nobody wanted to miss the feeling of apparently
never-ending movement in a lighthearted mood. (M. Saary)

!Sound Clip
[{Audio src='Wissenssammlungen/Musik-Lexikon/Johann_Strauß_Die_Fledermaus_und_Wiener_Blut/110108am.mp3' caption='Johann Strauß: Die Fledermaus\\© 1993 TELDEC Classics International GmbH 4509-91974-2, Interpreten: Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, Nikolaus Harnoncourt (Leitung)'}]

[{Metadata Suchbegriff='Fledermaus' Kontrolle='Nein'}]

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