!!Heinrich Ignaz Franz Biber: ''Sonata VIII'' a. d. ''Sonatae a Violino solo''

[{Image src='Wissenssammlungen/Musik-Lexikon/Komponisten/Biber, Heinrich Ignaz Franz/070202a.jpg'
height='250' alt='Heinrich Ignaz Franz Bibers'
caption='H. I. F. Biber, Engraving by Paul Seel on the frontispiece of the Violin sonate\\' width='375' popup='false'}]
[{Image src='Wissenssammlungen/Musik-Lexikon/Komponisten/Biber, Heinrich Ignaz Franz/070202b.jpg'
height='250' alt='Sonatae a Violino solo'
caption='Titelpage of the "Sonatae a Violino solo"' width='375' popup='false'}]
[{Image src='Wissenssammlungen/Musik-Lexikon/Komponisten/Biber, Heinrich Ignaz Franz/070202c.jpg'
alt='Faksimile zur Sonata VIII.'
caption='Facsimile of Sonata VIII.' }]

The violin is the most important instrument in the compositions of
Heinrich Ignaz Franz Biber (1644 Wartenberg/Bohmia - 1704 Salzburg).
The original print of the ''Sonatae a Violino solo'' of  1681 uses
three staffs which is the way a Trio Sonata was notated but in this
case the violinist has to play the other voices too. (Virtuosentum des
17. Jhs.). (E. Stadler)

!Sound Clip
[{Audio src='Wissenssammlungen/Musik-Lexikon/Komponisten/Biber, Heinrich Ignaz Franz/070202am.mp3'
caption='Heinrich Ignaz Franz Biber: Sonata VIII a. d. Sonatae a Violino solo\\© Affetti Musicali ''Heinrich Ignaz Franz Biber'', CD-Nr. CCD 210/B'}]

[{Metadata Suchbegriff='' Kontrolle='Nein'}]

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Ich kann mir unter a.d. nichts vorstellen (außer Deutsch aus den...)
any suggestion?
maybe 'from the'

-- [Pachl W|User/Pachl W], Mittwoch, 16. März 2011, 10:33
