!!!Early Christianity
!!''Maschta-procession in Hitzendor''
[{Image src='Wissenssammlungen/Musik-Lexikon/Maschta-Einzug_in_Hitzendorf/030102a.jpg' height='250' 
alt='Maschta-procession' caption='Maschta-procession\\© Josef Stieber, 8151 Hitzendorf' width='375'}]
[{Image src='Wissenssammlungen/Musik-Lexikon/Maschta-Einzug_in_Hitzendorf/030102b.jpg' height='250'
alt='Maschta-procession' caption='Maschta-procession\\© Josef Stieber, 8151 Hitzendorf' width='375'}]

According to a custom that originated in the days when an epidemic of
bubonic plague devastated large parts of Styria, the people of  the
village of Attendorf participate in a procession to the neighboring
town of Hitzendorf. The Madonna is called upon in traditional prayers
and songs to help them. At the border of Hitzendorf, a brass band meets
the praying Christians and leads them to the parish church while
playing marches used in processions. Once they arrive at the church, a
mass is held. The word ''Maschta'' actually comes from the Austrian
expression for a wayside altar, "Marter". The West styrian dialect
however turns an ''r'' before ''t'' to ''sch''. (E. Stadler)

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