!!!Early Modern Period
!!Oswald von Wolkenstein: ''Trautes Berbelin''

[{Image src='Wissenssammlungen/Musik-Lexikon/Oswald_von_Wolkenstein_Trautes_Berbelin/050107a.jpg'
alt='Oswald von Wolkenstein: Trautes Berbelin' height='250'
caption='Oswald von Wolkenstein, Portrait\\© Universitätsbibliothek Innsbruck' width='168'}]

Oswald von Wolkenstein (ca 1377
Schöneck/Tyrol - 1445 Meran) came from the Tyrolean noble family
of the Vilander und took over the castle Hauenstein after his father's
death. Wolkenstein's life is well-documented because he was not only a
talented poet but also politically active in the service of King
Siegmund. Some 130 of his songs were collected in three manuscripts
with their melodies. These are mostly love songs but also some about
his trips, politics and religious views. Like Neidhart, Oswald refers
to the life of the peasants in his Minnesang but he doesn't mock them
like Neidhart.  The illustration shows a portrait of Wolkenstein in the
Innsbrucker Liederhandschrift (Innsbruck Song Manuscript). The musical
example is the song ''Trautes Berbelin''. (E. Stadler)

!Sound Clip
[{Audio src='Wissenssammlungen/Musik-Lexikon/Oswald_von_Wolkenstein_Trautes_Berbelin/050107am.mp3'
caption='Audio sample of Oswald von Wolkenstein: "Trautes Berbelin\\"© Dulamans Vroeudenton ''Sinnliches Mittelalter'', CD-Nr. 901.642'}]

[{Metadata Suchbegriff='' Kontrolle='Nein'}]

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