!!Philipp de Monte: ''Missa sex vocum'' supra Vestiva i colli

[{Image src='Wissenssammlungen/Musik-Lexikon/Philipp_de_Monte_Missa_sex_vocum_supra_Vestiva_i_colli/060101a.jpg'
height='250' alt='Philipp de Monte: Missa sex vocum supra Vestiva i colli'
caption='Music sheet of the beginning of the Madrigal by Palestrina' width='481' popup='false'}]
[{Image src='Wissenssammlungen/Musik-Lexikon/Philipp_de_Monte_Missa_sex_vocum_supra_Vestiva_i_colli/060101b.jpg'
height='250' alt='Philipp de Monte: Missa sex vocum supra Vestiva i colli'
caption='Music sheet of the mass by de Monte' width='391'}]%%

Philipp de Monte's (1521 Mecheln/Flandern - 1603 Prag/Bohemia) ''Missa
sex vocum'' (Mass for six voices) has survived in Codex 148 of the
Municipal Library in Nuremberg/Germany. Monte adapts some  of the
themes in Palestrina's madrigal ''Vestiva i colli'' in this mass, which
is why it has its title

beginning of the theme is identical in both compositions except that de
Monte augments (stretches; expands) the note values. (E. Stadler)

!Sound Clip
[{Audio src='Wissenssammlungen/Musik-Lexikon/Philipp_de_Monte_Missa_sex_vocum_supra_Vestiva_i_colli/060101am.mp3'
caption='Audio sample to the "Beginning of the Kyrie"\\© Freiburger Musik Forum GmbH, Freiburg, CD-Nr. FMF AM 0946-2' }]

[{Metadata Suchbegriff='' Kontrolle='Nein'}]

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