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ED-MEDIA'97, World Conference on Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia
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 ED-MEDIA'97, World Conference on Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia

 Datum 1997-06-14 (1997-06-19)
 Ort Calgary
 Land Kanada

Liste der Vorträge  

Vortrag Vortragender Am
Necessary Ingredients of Integrated Networked Based Learning Environments Maurer Hermann 1997-06-18
TALE - Teaching adaptive lessons electronically professional distance education using Hyper-G technology Maurer Hermann 1997-06-16

Liste der Publikationen  

Publikation Autor
A Data Model for Educational WWW Servers Helic Denis
Keitel Vanessa
Scerbakov Nikolai
Animation of the Great Hall of the Austrian National Library Gruber Michael
Pichler Michael
Sammer Peter
Customization of Educational Material Delivered over the Internet Maglajlic Seid
Maurer Hermann
Scerbakov Nikolai
DINO - Distributed Interactive Network Objects Freismuth Dieter
Helic Denis
Mészáros Georg Nikolaus
Schmaranz Klaus Gunter
Zwantschko Bernhard
Necessary Ingredients of Integrated Network Based Learning Environments Maurer Hermann
TALE - Teaching Adaptive Lessons Electronically Freismuth Dieter
Helic Denis
Mészáros Georg Nikolaus
Schmaranz Klaus Gunter
Zwantschko Bernhard

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