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Enable'99, Enabling Network-Based Learning
  Zurück zum Index  Index  EMCSR 84 Vienna  17 / 31 ENTER'95, 2nd International Conference on Information and Communications Technology in the Field of Tourism

 Enable'99, Enabling Network-Based Learning

 Datum 1999-06-02 (1999-06-05)
 Ort Espoo
 Organisator EVITech, HUT Dipoli, and UIAH (EVTEK, TKK Dipoli, TaiK)
 Land Finnland

Liste der Vorträge  

Vortrag Vortragender Am
How a GEneral Networked Training and Learning Environment (GENTLE) fits together with Knowledge Management Maurer Hermann 1999-06-03
The Heart of the Problem: Knowledge Management and Knowledge Transfer Maurer Hermann 1999-06-02

Liste der Publikationen  

Publikation Autor
The Heart of the Problem: Knowledge Management and Knowledge Transfer Maurer Hermann

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