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People´ s Shares, name of a broadly diversified portfolio of shares with low par value closely related to privatisation initiatives after the end of the Second World War. In Austria, not only were state-held shares in big banks (CA and Laenderbank AG) sold between 1957 to 1965 in the form of People´s Shares, but shares in former USIA-companies (Russian ownership) and enterprises formerly owned by German nationals had to be privatised in the same way under article 47 of the first State Treaty Implementation Act. The sales were implemented by Oesterreichische Vermoegensschutz GmbH, a company founded solely for that purpose.


H. Anheuer, Die Volksaktien auf dem Pruefstand, in: Wirtschaftspolitische Blaetter 2, 1956; P. Ehgartner, Volksaktien als Instrument der Privatisierung in Oesterreich seit 1945, master´s thesis, Vienna 1994.