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unbekannter Gast

Ampflwang im Hausruckwald#

Ampflwang im Hausruckwald, Upper Austria, market town in the district of Voecklabruck, alt. 566 m, pop. 3,814, area 20.58 km2, tourist centre (98,362 overnight stays) of the Hausruck Mountains region between Voecklabruck and Ried im Innkreis. - Horse-riding centre (nicknamed "Reiterdorf" - "riders' village"); sub-bituminous coal mining (Wolfsegg-Traunthaler Kohlenwerks GmbH coal mine, closed down in 1995), aluminium processing, machine, furniture and corsetry production. - Parish church (new building 1897/1898).

Further reading#

M. Glueck, Die Bergbaugemeinde Ampflwang, master's thesis, Vienna 1992.