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Asylum, Right of: Under the Asylgesetz (Law on Asylum) of 1991, refugees have a right to be granted asylum and are allowed to reside in Austria at least until the conclusion of asylum proceedings. This right is not granted in certain cases (e.g. in cases where safety from persecution has already been reached before the refugee's entry into Austria). Asylum applicants who travel to Austria directly from the country in which they claim to have to fear persecution are allowed to reside in Austria, provided that they submit their applications for asylum in time. A special authority, the Federal Asylum Agency, decides whether to grant asylum following an summary procedure in clear-cut cases. Special procedural rules in the law on asylum are intended to effect a higher degree of correctness in the decisions. The Federal Ministry of the Interior is the authority for appeals and may also appoint refugee advisors to assist refugees. Recognised refugees are eligible for integration assistance, and needy asylum applicants may be placed in the care of the federal government during their asylum proceedings.

Further reading#

J. W. Steiner, Oesterreichisches Asylrecht, 1990; idem, Asylrecht, 1992; M. Fruhmann, Das Mandatsverfahren nach dem Asylgesetz 1991, Zeitschrift fuer Verwaltungsrecht 1993.