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Austria Presse Agentur, APA#

Austria Presse Agentur (Austria Press Agency, APA), Vienna, founded as a cooperative institution of the Austrian daily newspapers in September 1946 by taking over the Amtliche Nachrichtenstelle (Official News Agency, ANA) which had been founded 1922 as successor to the k. k. Telegraphen-Korrespondenz-Bureau (Imperial-Royal Telegraph Correspondence Bureau) established in 1860.

In contrast to its predecessors, APA is independent of state control. The members of APA are 15 Austrian daily newspapers as well the Austrian broadcasting corporation (ORF); its managerial bodies are the board of directors, the supervisory board and the general assembly. Having entered the field of electronics in 1983, APA now works in four divisions: News agency, Picture Service, Information Management and Information Technology.

Further reading#

C. Enichlmayr, Nachrichtenagenturen - Nachrichtendienste, in: Massenmedien in Oesterreich, Medienbericht 4, 1993.