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unbekannter Gast

Bühler, Charlotte#

b. Berlin (Germany), Dec. 20, 1893, d. Stuttgart (Germany), Feb. 3, 1974, psychologist. 1927-1938 university professor in Vienna, 1939 emigrated to the USA; 1945 professor of psychiatry in Los Angeles. She and her husband Karl Buehler headed a research group on child and adolescent psychology (Vienna school); in the USA she developed together with V. Frankl and C. Rogers a humanist psychology that gave a major role to the biography and the aims of the individual.


Kindheit und Jugend, 1928; Der menschl. Lebenslauf als psycholog. Problem, 1933; Psycholog. Forschungen ueber den Lebenslauf, 1937 (ed.); Psychologie im Leben unserer Zeit, 1962; Einfuehrung in die Humanistische Psychologie, 1972 (with W. Allen).