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unbekannter Gast


Jennersdorf, Burgenland, town in the district of Jennersdorf, alt. 242 m, pop. 4053, area 37.92 km2, in the Raab Valley in the southernmost part of the province of Burgenland - District Commission, district court, rural police headquarters, Chamber of Labour, Economic Chamber, customs office, day-care centre for disabled persons, secondary schools: Bundesaufbaugymnasium and Bundesrealgymnasium, textile industry (terry-cloth products), food wholesaling, leather processing, building industry. - Town charter 1977. Neo-Gothic parish church (1780-1800) with carved altarpiece (1904), modern stained-glass windows.


Stadtgemeinde Jennersdorf (ed.), Jennersdorf - Portraet einer Grenzstadt, 1977; A. Gangl, Jennersdorf - eine Stadtgeographie, master´s thesis, Graz 1987.