Jennersdorf, Burgenland, town in the district of Jennersdorf, alt. 242 m, pop. 4053, area 37.92 km2, in the Raab Valley in the southernmost part of the province of Burgenland - District Commission, district court, rural police headquarters, Chamber of Labour, Economic Chamber, customs office, day-care centre for disabled persons, secondary schools: Bundesaufbaugymnasium and Bundesrealgymnasium, textile industry (terry-cloth products), food wholesaling, leather processing, building industry. - Town charter 1977. Neo-Gothic parish church (1780-1800) with carved altarpiece (1904), modern stained-glass windows.
Stadtgemeinde Jennersdorf (ed.), Jennersdorf - Portraet einer Grenzstadt, 1977; A. Gangl, Jennersdorf - eine Stadtgeographie, master´s thesis, Graz 1987.