Wir freuen uns über jede Rückmeldung. Ihre Botschaft geht vollkommen anonym nur an das Administrator Team. Danke fürs Mitmachen, das zur Verbesserung des Systems oder der Inhalte beitragen kann. ACHTUNG: Wir können an Sie nur eine Antwort senden, wenn Sie ihre Mail Adresse mitschicken, die wir sonst nicht kennen!

unbekannter Gast

Global-Geography: Facts, Pictures, Stories, Maps - Explore the World!#

Click at any of the pictures above or further down! The following list and links will also give a good first idea. More specifically:

  1. Information on countries and territories (including pictures with good legends and information on cultural issues)
  2. Consider pointers to some highlights before spending more time following all of the links below
  3. Interactively visualize some aspects
  4. Countries with pictures and 360° interactive panoramas
  5. Stories for countries, often with many unique pictures
  6. 360° interactive Videos
  7. Contributions concerning more than one country
  8. Find out how one can easily support the server and why and who should use it
  9. Information about the data sources used
  10. Recent Contributions

What you should know about this project#

Global-Geography (GG) is a project with many international partners (individuals or institutions) as shown in the Global-Geography Consortium, GGC for short. Each person shown is either just participating as person or is representing some group or institution. It is part of the Austria-Forum.

Information can be viewed without registration, and anyone can contribute by sending information, comments or corrections by mail to the current secretary of the consortium, Profesor Hermann Maurer at hmaurer100@gmail.com . Please help us check the accuracy of information or contribute otherwise as is explained in detail under item (6) above. Note in passing that each country has a category "Community contribution" where everyone can e.g. add the URL of a picture or video-clip of interest. The main difference of this geography server compared to others is that it not only provides numerical and cartographical information and allows to use the information interactively, but also offers information on cultural issues/cultural heritage and provides pictures (with extensive legends) and stories typical for the country involved.