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Main ideas of GG (Global-Geography): Facts, Pictures and Stories of countries and territories#

Global-Geography.org is a server providing free information on many aspects of United Nations countries, and a number of territories. Much of the factual information comes from fairly reliabel sources such as: Factbook, UN and Worldbank statistics, Geonames, Natural Earth, World heritage site, National geographic site, Nobel laureates site, Wolf prize awardees, and others.

The five main ideas of global-geography.org#

First, information is consolidated by comparing numbers and facts derived from different sources. Data are being checked on the basis of reliable sources such as Wolfram Alpha or Britannica. If controversial information cannot be resolved, the differences are pointed out.

Second, figures are presented in tabular form but also a "laboratory" is provided, where a report can be generated according to the wishes of users Geography/Lab.

Cartographic material is used where appropriate.

Third, developments like demographical changes, availability of energy etc, are shown in graphical form: Geography/Visualizations

Fourth, information on culture, on pictures typical for a country and on country specific issues ("stories") will be given. As far as pictures are concerned, we are hoping to provide good descriptions of pictures (preferably in English), since pictures without description can be found easily in other places. A list of countries with a reasonable number of pictures is sorted alphabetically. For many countries stories that are typical for the respective country will be provided. At the time of writing (early 2018) there are already almost 500 such stories. Here is a pointer to those stories. Yet the stock of stories is also extended by stories automatically produced based on numbers available, and more sophisticated ones that are semi-automatically prepared and are listed as "surprising facts". We are also offering now, courtsey of Airpano, some 3.600 panoramas from all over the world, often with accompanying stories.

Fifth, at the entry point a search function allows to search for important cities and other entities anywhere in the world by just typing the name.

To flesh out the material we have a small team working constantly, but do hope that the community and members of the Consortium will help. To join the Consortium does not mean any obligation: Members only agree that a server as described makes sense and if they see a chance to help a bit they will try to do so. To join the Consortium, just send a short CV and a photo of yourself to the current secretary of the consortium, Profesor Hermann Maurer at hmaurer100@gmail.com : There is no obligation beyond your moral support. You can resign any time you want to. However, we consider it likely that we can use the power of knowledge of the Consortium and the material on the server in international projects.

How you can easily help (with as much time and effort you can afford) is described in Why, who and how YOU can help.

Note that some of that material collected can be used freely, some under some CC license, but some (with a © remark) must not be used in any way except after obtaining explicit permission. In each case we ask you to mention "Global-Geography.org" as source.

Here are Pointers to some highligths.

That unexpected problems are encountered is explained with one single example.

Global-Geography Team, February 2018