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Sources for Geography, GeoLab and GeoVis#

We list here the sources used in global-geography.org.

Basic data comes from The World Factbook. #

We provide month and year of data extraction. If we found differences in the data sets by consulting other data bases (e.g. concerning country area) this is hihglighted and further information from the other datasets is provided.

Other data sources (mainly used for checking data) include:#

360° panoramas come from Airpano#

Over 3.000 are now presented. The collection continues to grow. It also includes some 360° videos.

Pictures come from the consortium and the community. Pointers from countries and in a partial summary#

Over 25.000 pictures, many of professional quality and with detailed descriptions have been incorporated. Most come from members of the consortium. The collection is growing steadily.

Stories come mainly from the consortium. Pointers from countries and in a summary#

Of the by now well over 200 stories most contain pictures, some over 100. This is why the count of pictures given above is well below the actual total number of pictures available. The stories have been written by members of the consortium and are, together with the pictures and the information on the culture of countries the feature that makes this site unique.

Cultural information comes from a number of sites including:#

  • Nobel prize site
  • Wolff prize site
  • UNESCO world heritage site
  • Sites showing national parks and such

Other issues#

  • Some stories under then entry "spe l information" are semi-automatically generated
  • The site provides a laboratory Geolab and interative visualizations Geovis, see below


  • The GeoLab is an experimental laboratory to explore countries and parameters.
  • The main source is the Factbook. The data version is from 2012, since for some properties no more recent figures are available. (Can you help in this matter?)
  • We are commited in updating the data as soon as we can verify them. Please provide us with feedback and information about relaiable data sources.


  • The GeoVis offers an interactive visualization of many aspects.
  • The main source is the Factbook, but some data comes from country specific sources. The data version is mentionend in the visualization.
  • We are commited in updating the data as soon as we can verify them. Please provide us with feedback and information about relaiable data sources.


  • We used different databases for verification, the main data source is the Factbook.
  • In case of different values we show all of them and give a possible explanation for the different values.
  • We are updating the information every few month to ensure up-to-date information.