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unbekannter Gast


Irmfried Radauer: Akoasmen#

Irmfried Radauer
Irmfried Radauer

Geistige Komplexitaet (Intellectual complexity) is Irmfried Radauer's (1928 Salzburg) major consideration or his choice of musical phenonena. As early as 1958, he was one of the first composers to use electronics. Radauer (Illustration) constructed Austria's first studio for electro-acoustical music in Salzburg and was the first European composer of computer music to emigrate to the U.S. As the assistant of B. Paumgartner, he was well-acquainted with traditions, but he was able to individualize computer music using references to sounds, i.e with the help of transparent principles, well-known to radio-listeners who accept music without musicians, to lead them through the musical work and let them experience new dimensions in sound. Radauer knows how to avoid acoustic exhaustion, Example: Akoasmen (1968). (M. Saary)

Sound Clip#

Irmfried Radauer: Akoasmen
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