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Otto M. Zykan: Odysseus#

Otto M. Zykan
Otto M. Zykan

Starting in 1979 the banks of the Danube in Linz's Danube Park have become an apparently unlimitied concert hall in September every year, when the Multimedia-Festival called "Ars Electronica" - sponsored by the Brucknerhaus in Linz and the ORF (Austrian Broadcasting System) Linz. At this time, thousends of visitors can participate via lodspeakers in a gigantic musical experience. Otto M. Zykan (1935 Vienna) was once a member of the famous Viennese Boy's Choir, is a pianist and the composer (Illustration) of the successful opera Singers Naehmaschine ist die beste (Singer's Sewing Machine is the Best) as well as a co-worker on the artificial Humanic-Werbung (i.e., ad for Humanic, an Austrian shoe company). In 1994, he wrote the concrete, film-like music for Hans Hoffer's production of Odysseus defining this open-air spectacle with his individual concept of up-to-date electronic music (Example). His music supports the visualization of the drama with precise sounds. (M. Saary)

Sound Clip#

Otto M. Zykan: Odysseus
© 1994, LC-4388 Gemeinschaftsproduktion von Brucknerhaus Linz und ORF-Landesstudio Oberösterreich