Seite - (000029) - in Evaluating Climate Change Action for Sustainable Development
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Chapter 4 by Tonya Schuetz, Wiebke F€orch, Philip Thornton and Ioannis
Vasileiou from the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture
and Food Security (CCAFS) describes the design of an impact pathway-based
Monitoring,Evaluation andLearning (MEL) system that combines classic indica-
tors of process in research with innovative indicators of change. The chapter
highlights the importance of engaging users of research in the development of
impactpathwaysandcontinuously throughout the lifeof theprogram.Resultsshow
that partnershipswith diverse actors such as the private sector and policymakers
are key to achieving change. The chapter concludes that research alone is insuffi-
cient to bring about change. However, research does generate knowledge that
stakeholders canput to use to generate development outcomes.
Chapter 5 by Monika Egger Kissling and Roman Windisch, ‘Lessons from
taking stock on 12 years of Swiss international cooperation on climate change’
highlights the challenges encountered and lessons learned from this assessment
where a bilateral donor puts climate change lens on a longstanding development
cooperationportfolio.Thechapterdiscusses theneed(1) forevaluators toputmore
effort in identifying bestmethodological practices amidst a large volumeof infor-
mation,diverseportfolioandabsenceof reliabledata; (2) forpractitioners to invest
policy makers to be cognizant of the value that evaluation brings, as it is an
important tool that contributes to accountability.
Chapter 6byMichaelCarbondiscusses the approach, process and lessons from
the evaluation of UNEP’s Climate Change Sub-programme. It shows the impor-
tanceof developinganappropriate analytical framework that iswell-suited for the
scope and complexity of the object of evaluation, and how theTheory ofChange
approach helped make a credible assessment of UNEP’s contribution towards
impact, sustainability andupscaling.
Chapter 7written byAryanieAmellina focuses on an assessment of the initial
phases of the Joint CreditingMechanism (JCM) in Indonesia. It highlights JCM
governanceandeaseofuseofmethodologiesrelatedtomeasurement, reportingand
verification (MRV). The author concludes with recommendations to strengthen
methods todeterminereferenceemissionsandforclarifyingways toallocatecredit
among countries to define apathway to a tradeable creditmechanism.
Chapter 8 by Jyotsna Puri, ‘Using mixed methods to assessing trade-offs
between agricultural decisions and deforestation’, demonstrates the importance of
using qualitative and quantitativemethods to assess andmeasurewin-win devel-
opmentpolicies thatalsohelpmitigateclimatechange.Theauthor’sstudyexplores
the poverty and environment nexus using historical data on land rights and panel
dataon landuse inThailand.Thechapter concludes that it is important tomeasure
the differential effects of policies on different crops, agricultural intensity and
agricultural frontier. In the case examined by the author, she advises that policies
that encourage cultivationmaynot bedetrimental to forest cover after all.
Chapter 9writtenbyAaronZazueta andNeerajNegi presents themethodolog-
ical approach adopted in the evaluation of climate change mitigation projects
supported by theGlobal Environment Facility in four emergingmarkets, namely
8 J.I.Uitto et al.
Evaluating Climate Change Action for Sustainable Development
- Titel
- Evaluating Climate Change Action for Sustainable Development
- Autoren
- Juha I. Uitto
- Jyotsna Puri
- Rob D. van den Berg
- Verlag
- Springer Open
- Datum
- 2017
- Sprache
- deutsch
- Lizenz
- CC BY-NC 3.0
- 978-3-319-43702-6
- Abmessungen
- 15.5 x 24.1 cm
- Seiten
- 365
- Schlagwörter
- Climate Change, Sustainable Development, Climate Change/ Climate Change Impacts, Environmental Management
- Kategorien
- Naturwissenschaften Umwelt und Klima