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paradox of climate interventions thatmake a local difference but do not seem to
impact at the global level.
Sevencomprehensiveevaluationswillbeassessedandtheevidence theypresent
of the discrepancybetweenmicro andmacro impactwill be judged.Thefirst four
werepresentedat the2nd InternationalConferenceonEvaluatingClimateChange
andDevelopment; the last threewere added as they emerged in the sameyear and
complement the picture:
1. The Fifth Overall Performance Study of the Global Environment Facility,
undertakenby the IndependentEvaluationOfficeof theGEF;
2. The Independent Evaluation of the Climate Investment Funds, undertaken by
ICFInternationalonbehalfof thefiveindependentevaluationdepartmentsof the
multilateral development banks;
3. The evaluation of climate change support in the Inter-AmericanDevelopment
Bank, conductedby theOfficeofEvaluation andOversight of the IDB;
4. The evaluation of the effectiveness of Swiss International Cooperation in cli-
mate change, conducted by a consortium led by Gaia Consulting Oy for the
SwissAgency forDevelopment and theStateSecretariat forEconomicAffairs;
5. The real-time evaluation of initiatives of the Asian Development Bank to
support access to climate finance, implemented by the Independent Evaluation
Department of theADB;
6. Thereal-timeevaluationofNorway’s InternationalClimateandForest Initiative
(NICFI), undertakenby a consortium ledbyLTS International;
7. The external evaluation of the UN-REDD programme (Reducing Emissions
fromDeforestation andForestDegradation inDevelopingCountries).
Furthermore, we will also include the older but still highly relevant climate
Bank/IEG2009, 2010, 2012), aswell as the FourthOverall PerformanceStudyof
theGlobalEnvironment Facility (GEF/EO2010), the precursor toOPS5.
2.2 TheMicro-MacroParadox:SuccessfulClimateAction
ButNoGlobal Impact?
Themicro-macroparadoxof successful environmental interventionswas raisedby
one of the authors in a keynote address at the Second Global Assembly of the
InternationalDevelopmentEvaluationAssociation inAmman, Jordan, on14April
2011 (vandenBerg2011).The argument is that a sizeable proportionof interven-
tions were demonstrated to have direct and long-term impact in the sense of
achieving lasting success in for example reducing greenhouse gas emissions from
a specific source, but they havemade no impact on global environmental trends,
that have continued their downward slide. This is the case for climate change, for
the historical loss of biodiversity that is now increasingly seen as a humancaused
2 ActiononClimateChange:WhatDoes ItMean andWhereDoes ItLeadTo? 15
Evaluating Climate Change Action for Sustainable Development
- Titel
- Evaluating Climate Change Action for Sustainable Development
- Autoren
- Juha I. Uitto
- Jyotsna Puri
- Rob D. van den Berg
- Verlag
- Springer Open
- Datum
- 2017
- Sprache
- deutsch
- Lizenz
- CC BY-NC 3.0
- 978-3-319-43702-6
- Abmessungen
- 15.5 x 24.1 cm
- Seiten
- 365
- Schlagwörter
- Climate Change, Sustainable Development, Climate Change/ Climate Change Impacts, Environmental Management
- Kategorien
- Naturwissenschaften Umwelt und Klima