Seite - (000011) - in Disrupted Development and the Future of Inequality in the Age of Automation
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list of figures
Fig. 3.1 GDP and employment shares by region, 1960–present 23
Fig. 3.2 Growth decomposition by sector, by region, 1960–present
(change in growth = 100) 24
Fig. 3.3 Growth decomposition by factor, by region, 1970–present
(change in growth = 100) 25
Fig. 3.4 Labor productivity versus GDP per capita, by region,
1960–present 26
Fig. 3.5 Composition of exports by regions, 1960–present 27
Fig. 3.6 Trade shares, 1961–present (or available years) 28
Fig. 5.1 Structural change in a “dual economy” defined
by automatability 56
Fig. 5.2 The level of economic development and the share
of employment susceptible to automation 66
Fig. 5.3 Employment by sectors and GNI per capita (2016 or most
recent data) 68
Fig. 5.4 Automatability and share of employment by sectors, 2016 69
Fig. 5.5 McKinsey Global Institute’s automatability estimates
and employment across economic sectors by income group 70
Fig. 5.6 Economic development and sectoral employment shares
across countries (fitted lines): 1991 and 2014 71
Disrupted Development and the Future of Inequality in the Age of Automation