Seite - (000001) - in Analogue Meets Digital - History and Present IT Augmentation of Europe’s Largest Landscape Relief Model in Villach, Austria
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Multimodal Technologies
and Interaction
AnalogueMeetsDigital: HistoryandPresent IT
Model inVillach,Austria
Institute forCartography,DresdenUniversityofTechnology,01069Dresden,Germany;
Received: 30April2019;Accepted: 12 June2019;Published: 20 June2019
Abstract: Broughttocompletionin1913afteraproductiontimeof24years, thelandscapereliefmodel
ofCarinthia (Kärnten),ondisplay inVillach,Austria, is, at182m2, the largestof itskindinEurope.
It ispaintedwithnature-like land-cover informationandpresents thewhole federalstateofCarinthia
anditssurroundings includingAustria’shighestpeak,Großglockner,atascaleof1:10,000. From2016
to2018,aseriesofcomputer-generatedandpartlycomputer-animatededucationalcontents forrental
tablets as well as for projection onto the terrain model and above it have been produced. Their topics
are briefly presented. The described Relief von Kärnten is also a paramount example and master
copyofhowto improvetheattractivityofhistoricalphysical landscapereliefmodelsbymeansof
state-of-the-art informationtechnology. Thearticle is, furthermore,meant toraiseawareness fora
piece of “geo-art”, which is worth being known at an international scale by both experts and laymen.
Keywords: landscape relief model; true-3d; largest terrain model of Europe; history of landscape
relief models; 3d terrain modelling and representation; digitally animated projection upon landscape
reliefmodel;physical landscapereliefmodelsanditsaugmentation
1. Introduction
Itmaybeconsideredastrangefact that the largest landscapereliefmodelof itskindinEurope
is—evenintimesofarevivalof3Dvisualizations—almostunknownamongstprofessionals,not to
mentionthe laymen. This isall themoresurprisingas thispieceofeducational“geo-art” is located
in the center of Villach, a city in the southern Austrian Alps that is probably the most important
traffic hub there with rail- and highway connections to Germany, the Region of Vienna, Hungary,
theBalkans,andNorthernItaly. Thus,apart frombeinganexcellentmeansofgeographiceducation
(andbeyond), it isalsoa tourismhighlight,anattractionforsightseeingparexcellence. Note that the
aboveformulation“reliefmodelof itskind”refers to thedetailedscaleof1:10,000, themodellingof the
alpinereliefwhichrepresentsaparticularchallengeto itsproducers, themeticulouspaintingand—last
butnot least—theconsiderationof theearthcurvature.
atascientificallysoundlevelandexplains thehistoryoforiginsaswellaspeculiaritiesof theRelief
von Kärnten. Although the author has not been involved in the described IT-based augmentation
with up-to-date digital information, he was, in a collaborative manner, encouraged by staff of the
Municipal Museum and Archive of the City of Villach and the CEO of edufilm und medien Inc. to
make the facts described in the present article known to both experts and the public. The majority
ofhistory thereinhavebeenretrievedfromanarticleauthoredbyMatthiasdiGaspero,publishedin
1931 in a book by Erwin Stein (Ed.) with the title, Die Städte Deutschösterreichs. Eine Sammlung
vonDarstellungenderdeutschösterreichischenStädteundihrerArbeit inWirtschaft,Finanzwesen,
MultimodalTechnol. Interact.2019, 3, 44;doi:10.3390/mti3020044