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J. Imaging 2018,4, 68
Then,wehaveyj=Rj(I),whereRj(.) isanoperatorthatextracts thepatchyj fromtheimageI , andits
transpose, denotedbyRTj (.), is able toputbackapatch into the j-thposition in the reconstructed
image. Considering that patches are overlapped, the recovery ofC from {yˆj} canbeobtainedby
averagingall theoverlappingpatches,as follows:
C= P
j=1 RTj (yˆj)./ P
j=1 RTj (1ps). (9)
4.1.GroupBasedBleed-ThroughPatch Inpainting
pixels from the correspondingpatchonly, ignores the relationshipbetweenneighbouringpatches
whenestimatingthemissingpixels [31]. Incorporating informationofsimilarneighbouringpatches
assists in theestimationofmissingpixelsandguarantees smooth transitionbyexploiting the local
similarity typical of natural images. Following this line, weused a non-local group basedpatch
inpainting approachhere. For eachpatch to be inpainted,we search for similar patcheswithin a
limitedneighborhoodusingEuclideandistanceassimilaritycriterion, calculatedasgivenbelow:
distpatch= √
wherePxref ,Pyref andPxcur,Pycur represents thehorizontalandverticalpositionofcentralpixel in
thereferenceandcurrentpatch, respectively.
For each patch ywith bleed-throughpixels, we select L non-local similar patcheswithin an
Ns×Ns neighbouringwindow. Thesimilarpatchesaregrouped together inamatrix,yG ∈Rps×L.
Ineachpatch,wehaveknownpixelsandmissingorbleed-throughpixels. LetΩbeanoperator that
extracts theknownpixels inapatchand Ω¯anoperator thatextracts themissingpixels, so thatΩ(y)
represents theknownpixelsand Ω¯(y) represents themissingpixels inapatchy. An illustrationof
suchpixels’ extraction isgiven inFigure2.
Figure2.Extractingknownandbleed-throughpixels inapatch.
Similarly, for a group of patches,Ω(yG) extracts the knownpixels of all patches, averaging
multiple entries at the same pixel location, and Ω¯(yG) represents the missing pixels. Given a
well-trained dictionaryD, the sparse reconstruction of patcheswith bleed-throughpixels can be
x ‖Ω(yG)−Ω(Dx)‖2+α‖ x ‖0, (10)
where α is a small constant. The first term of Equation (10) represents the data-fidelity and the
secondtermis thesparseregularization.Afterobtainingthesparsecoefficients xˆusingEquation(10),
anestimate for thebleed-throughpixelscanbeobtainedusing
Ω¯(y)= Ω¯(Dxˆ). (11)
Using thereconstructedpatches,anestimated,bleed-throughfree image isobtainedbymeansof
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Buch Document Image Processing"
Document Image Processing
- Titel
- Document Image Processing
- Autoren
- Ergina Kavallieratou
- Laurence Likforman-Sulem
- Herausgeber
- Ort
- Basel
- Datum
- 2018
- Sprache
- deutsch
- Lizenz
- CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
- 978-3-03897-106-1
- Abmessungen
- 17.0 x 24.4 cm
- Seiten
- 216
- Schlagwörter
- document image processing, preprocessing, binarizationl, text-line segmentation, handwriting recognition, indic/arabic/asian script, OCR, Video OCR, word spotting, retrieval, document datasets, performance evaluation, document annotation tools
- Kategorie
- Informatik