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Condeetal. Biofunctionalizationandsurfacechemistryof inorganicnanoparticles
markers, enzymes and other proteins that will introduce the
Ultimately, theconjugationstrategy isdirectlydependentona
numbers of factors such as size, surface chemistry and shape, as
well as the typeof ligandsandfunctionalgroups toexploit in the
functionalization. Also, the type of biologicalmolecule and the
final application of the nanoparticle conjugate are crucial when
severalbiologicalactivities to theNP.
For their use as potential delivery devices in vivo, the aforemen-
tioned inorganicnanoparticlesmusthave longplasmahalf-lives.
In this sense,poly(ethyleneglycol) (PEG) is themostwidelyused
macromolecule to prolong nanocarriers half-life. In fact, PEGs
have a strong effect on nanoparticle structure, stabilization and
biodistribution both in vitro and in vivo (Akerman et al., 2002;
Daou et al., 2009; Boenemanet al., 2010;Maldiney et al., 2011).
These long-circulatingnanoparticles have the ability to circulate
for a prolonged period of time and target a particular organ, as
carriers ofDNA in gene therapy, or to deliver proteins, peptides
anddrugs (Langer,2000;Bhadraetal., 2002;Kommareddyetal.,
For systemic applications, the development of surface func-
agents is highly desired for passive targeting to tumors and
inflammatory sites. PEG-modification of NPs affords long cir-
culating property by evadingmacrophage-mediated uptake and
removal fromthesystemiccirculation.Owingto its simplestruc-
ture and chemical stability, it is a prototype of an inert and
biocompatible polymer (Sperling and Parak, 2010; Verma and
Stellacci, 2010). When bound to surfaces, PEG prevents other
molecules tobindby steric effects. In fact, themolecules arenot
and inbiological environments, avoidingnon-specificbinding to
proteinsandcells (SperlingandParak,2010).This isparticularly
important for invivoapplicationsbecauseoncetheNPsare inthe
bloodstream, a portion of the plasma proteins that can adsorb
to the surface (opsonins),may promoteNPs recognition by the
mononuclearphagocyte system(MPS), andconsequently lead to
rapidremovalof theNPs fromcirculation(BertrandandLeroux,
2012). Todate, there is a general consensus that to prolongNPs
and chain architecturemust be optimized (Li andHuang, 2010;
Grazúet al., 2012). For instance,Xie andcoworkers showed that
MNPs functionalized with PEGwithmolecular weights higher
than 3000Dawere not taken up bymacrophages in vitro,while
extensive uptake was observed for PEG 600-coatedMNPs (Xie
etal., 2007).
Consequently, functionalizationofNPswithahighdensityof
PEGofanadequate lengthnotonly increases thecolloidal stabil-
ity of themodifiedNPsbut also their plasmahalf-life.However,
toprovidePEGylatedNPswithtargetingandtherapeuticactivity, as well as with the ability of crossing different biologicalmem-
branes, they must be conjugated with a variety of biologically
relevant ligands, such as cell/tumorpenetrating peptides, tumor
markers, and therapeutic agents (siRNAs, drugs). Concerning
gold NPs, one of the main strategies is to assemble PEG and
mixed biomolecule/PEGmonolayers on the nanoparticles’ sur-
face. Liu et al. showed an escalation in the NPs’ stability with
increasingPEGlength,decreasingnanoparticlediameter, increas-
ing PEGmole fraction andmixedmonolayers prepared via the
sequential addition of PEG followed by a peptide. In thisman-
ner,NPsweremore stable than thoseprepared via simultaneous
co-adsorption.ThesemodifiedNPswere able to target the cyto-
plasm of HeLa cells, being the cellular uptake quantified using
inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (Liu
with a similar strategy. The authors developed an approach to
attach specific biomolecules to the AuNPs’ surface and their
effect in the functionalizationwithother specificderivatives.The
effect of biofunctional spacers, such as thiolated PEG chains
and a positive peptide (TAT) in dsRNA loading onAuNPs was
reported. The authors hypothesized that the loadingof oligonu-
cleotides onto theAuNP surfacemaybe controlled by ionic and
weak interactions positioning the entry of the oligonucleotide
through the PEG layer, by a synergistic effect of the TAT pep-
tide andPEG chainswith specific functional groups, enhancing
the dsRNA loading onto AuNPs (see Figure2) (Sanz et al.,
making use of PEG as a spacer. This requires the use of bifunc-
tional PEG chains that contain thiol at one end and a suitable
functionalmoiety at the other (e.g. amino, carboxylate groups).
Recently, Oh et al. described a different approach, where in a
one-phase synthesis AuNPs were conjugated with PEG ligands
yielding a narrow size distribution of highly stable NPs in the
presence of high salt concentrations over a wide range of pHs
(Oh et al., 2010b). One way or another, functional moieties of
PEG ligands allow for further coupling of target biomolecules.
Consequently, surfacemodificationofgoldclusters throughPEG
spacers (Kanaras et al., 2002; Simpson et al., 2011)would allow
themodifiednanoparticles to remain in the systemic circulation
for prolonged periods and provide flexibility for efficient inter-
action with a target. Besides, using a combination of different
tionalizedwith a variety of biologically-relevant ligands such as
cell penetrating peptides, fluorescent dyes, tumor markers and
siRNA(Condeetal., 2012a).
tive in vitro and in vivo circulation (Skaff andEmrick, 2003;Hu
etal.developedhighlybiocompatiblePEGfunctionalized incad-
miumchalcogenide luminescentQDs (CdS,CdSe, andCdTe) as
animagingtool forearlydiagnosisofcancerbytargetingacancer
cell line(Pouloseetal., 2012).
AlthoughPEG is really useful toprolongNPs’ bloodhalf-life,
it is known that in some cases PEG can hamper cargo release
or hide other functional domains once the NP accumulates at
thedesired target area (SawantandTorchilin,2012). Inclusionof
Frontiers inChemistry | ChemicalEngineering July2014 |Volume2 |Article48 | 11
Cancer Nanotheranostics
What Have We Learnd So Far?
- Title
- Cancer Nanotheranostics
- Subtitle
- What Have We Learnd So Far?
- Authors
- João Conde
- Pedro Viana Baptista
- Jesús M. De La Fuente
- Furong Tian
- Editor
- Frontiers in Chemistry
- Date
- 2016
- Language
- English
- License
- CC BY 4.0
- 978-2-88919-776-7
- Size
- 21.0 x 27.7 cm
- Pages
- 132
- Keywords
- Nanomedicine, Nanoparticles, nanomaterials, Cancer, heranostics, Immunotherapy, bioimaging, Drug delivery, Gene Therapy, Phototherapy
- Categories
- Naturwissenschaften Chemie