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Condeetal. Biofunctionalizationandsurfacechemistryof inorganicnanoparticles
ImagingQDs invivo is arduousdue to theneedofanexternal
source of light, which produces strong background autofluo-
rescence from ubiquitous endogenous chromophores. So et al.
proposed the ideal QD, where it would emit light with no
requirement for external excitation (So et al., 2006b). Bymodi-
fyingQDswithRenilla reniformis luciferase the authors discard
the need of external excitation due to the phenomenon of bio-
luminescence resonance energy transfer (BRET). BRET occurs
naturallyandit isanalogoustoFRET,butthedonorenergycomes
from a chemical reaction catalyzed by the donor enzyme. The
polymer coatedCdSe/ZnS core-shell QDs dottedwith carboxy-
late groups were incubated with R. reniformis luciferase, where
through carbodiimide reaction the aminogroups of the enzyme
were coupled to the carboxylates. Thus,with a simplemodifica-
self-illuminatingQDs(Soetal., 2006b).
Carbohydrates are, together with nucleic acids and proteins,
importantmolecules for life.Much is already known about the
structure, interactionsandfunctionofnucleicacidsandproteins,
however, the role of carbohydrates in the cell is less clear (de la
FuenteandPenades,2006).Acharacteristic featureofthebiologi-
cal interactionswherecarbohydratesare involvedis theirextreme
low affinity that has to be compensated bymultivalent presen-
tation of the ligands. Although individual carbohydrate interac-
tions are relativelyweak, natureutilizedmultivalent interactions
between the cell surface ligands and their biological receptors to
modulate biological events such as the ones related to cell adhe-
sion, normal tissue growth and repair, viral/bacterial infection,
signaling transduction, trappingof leucocytes, andcancer trans-
fer. So the decoding of carbohydrate interactions opens up the
possibility to employ nanoparticles in diagnostics and/or ther-
apy (Dong, 2011). In fact, the unique physical, chemical and
optical properties of thenanocarrierswith carbohydrate coating
comprise a series of advantages that range from ensuringwater
solubility, biocompatibility and stability to targeting properties
(Garciaetal., 2010).
Amongthem,goldglyconanoparticles (glycoNPs)havedrawn
attention owing to their well-defined features, such as water-
soluble carbohydrate-functionalizednanoclusterswithapromis-
ingpotential for chemical glycobiology,biomedicine,diagnostics
and clinical applications. In the last 10 years, Penades and co-
workers have extensively reported a pioneer integration of a
glyconanotechnology strategy based on the use of nanoparticles
tostudyandevaluatecarbohydrate–carbohydrate, carbohydrate–
protein interactions (Figure7) (de la Fuente et al., 2001, 2006;
Barrientos et al., 2003; de la Fuente and Penades, 2004, 2006),
which could be used as potential tools in anti-adhesive therapy
(Rojo et al., 2004), for cell–cell adhesion studies (de la Fuente
et al., 2005), prevention of pathogen invasion (Reynolds et al.,
2012) and for exploring blood–brain barrier permeability via
neuropeptideconjugation(Frigell et al., 2014).
Smaller carbohydrates, such as lactose, glucose andmannose
(Otsuka et al., 2001;Reynolds et al., 2006; Schofield et al., 2007;
Martinez-Avila et al., 2009) can be thiolated for attachment to
AuNPsvia ligandexchange.Thesenanoparticlesmaybeusefulas sensitivecolorimetricprobes foravarietyofmetal ions.Mannose
and lactose have also been used for the reduction of gold salts
andstabilizationof thenanoparticles.Schofieldetal.haveshown
that thiolated carbohydrate derivatives can be readily assembled
on silver and gold NPs. These metal glycoNPs can be used to
Magnetic glycoNPs with unique properties have also been
reported, although in amore limited number (El-Boubbou and
Huang, 2011; Marradi et al., 2013). Once carbohydrates are
attachedontheMNPs, it iscrucial thattheyretaintheirbiological
activity.Toexplorethis,plant lectinscanbeused,as their interac-
tionwith carbohydrates is highly selective. The clustering of the
usingMRSassays (Morosetal., 2010).
Carbohydrates canalsobeused to targetdifferent cells and/or
enhance the cellular uptake ofNPs in a highly specificway. For
instance, Moros et al. functionalized MNPs with glucose and
galactoseusingEDCandstudied their interactionwithVerocells
in vitro (Moros et al., 2012). Although these monosaccharides
sharethesamechemical formula,exceptforthespatialconforma-
tion of the hydroxyl group inC-4, the cell entrance patternwas
completely different.WhileMNPs-glucose entered all through-
out the cell,MNPs-galactose remainedpredominantly in the cell
periphery. By preparing a library ofMNPs functionalized with
different monosaccharides, El-Boubbou et al. were also able to
detect, differentiate cancer cells and quantitatively profile their
carbohydratebindingabilitiesbyMRI(El-Boubbouetal., 2010).
Carbohydrateshavebeenalsoconjugated toQDs(Chenetal.,
2003;Osaki et al., 2004;Kikkeri et al., 2009;Cai et al., 2012;Yang
et al., 2012a). For example, Kikkeri et al. synthesized PEGylated
to study specific carbohydrate-protein interactions in vitro and
couplingby4-maleimidopropanoic acidNHSester andused for
in vitro imaging and in vivo liver targeting (Kikkeri et al., 2009).
Shinchi et al. also developed glycol-QDs by preparing stable
sugar-chain-immobilized fluorescent nanoparticles (CdTe/CdS
core/shell QDs functionalized with sugar-chain-ligand conju-
gates, β-galactose- and α-glucose) and their application to the
analysis of sugar-chain-protein interactions andcellular imaging
(Shinchietal., 2012).
Functionalization of NPs with biomolecules has to face several
hurdles and surface modifications can have significant impacts
on their physical-chemical properties and therapeutic efficacy,
once theymight alter surface charge, size, hydrophobicity, and
targeting skills. One of the biggest challenges is that NPs need
to remain stable in solution while the conjugation takes place.
However, many NPs may precipitate while being activated, as
their stability depends on a delicate balance between attractive
and repulsive forces, which can bemodifiedwhen using differ-
ent chemicals for their biofunctionalization. Moreover, due to
the huge amount of different NPs and biomolecules reported
so far, there are no standardizedprotocols forNP functionaliza-
tion.Therefore, the choiceof a coupling strategydependson the
Frontiers inChemistry | ChemicalEngineering July2014 |Volume2 |Article48 | 19
Cancer Nanotheranostics
What Have We Learnd So Far?
- Title
- Cancer Nanotheranostics
- Subtitle
- What Have We Learnd So Far?
- Authors
- JoĂŁo Conde
- Pedro Viana Baptista
- JesĂşs M. De La Fuente
- Furong Tian
- Editor
- Frontiers in Chemistry
- Date
- 2016
- Language
- English
- License
- CC BY 4.0
- 978-2-88919-776-7
- Size
- 21.0 x 27.7 cm
- Pages
- 132
- Keywords
- Nanomedicine, Nanoparticles, nanomaterials, Cancer, heranostics, Immunotherapy, bioimaging, Drug delivery, Gene Therapy, Phototherapy
- Categories
- Naturwissenschaften Chemie