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Condeetal. Biofunctionalizationandsurfacechemistryof inorganicnanoparticles
FIGURE11 |Clickchemistry reaction.Thecopper-catalyzedcycloaddition
of azidesandalkynes (CuAAC)developed for clickchemistry joinsan
organicazide (N3) andalkyne togetherproducingamixtureof1,4- and
chelate the Cu(I)-acetylide complex intermediate that contact
withtheazidegroup(Heinetal.,2008).Besides these limitations,
one of themost obvious disadvantages is the requirement of a
copper catalyst. In fact, an excessive intake of copper can lead
to drastic consequences for the human body (e.g. hepatitis,
neurological disorders, kidney diseases andAlzheimer’s disease)
(WangandGuo,2006;Heinetal., 2008).
Generally, theclick-chemistryreactionhasbeenusedtocouple
AuNPs to proteins (Zhu et al., 2012b), enzymes (Brennan et al.,
2006;Kimet al., 2010), fluorophores (Voliani et al., 2011), poly-
mers (Boisselier et al., 2008;Zhang et al., 2009), andother small
molecules (Fleming et al., 2006). For example, following click-
severaldifferentalkynederivatives, suchas ferrocene, anilineand
PEG(Flemingetal., 2006).
Alkyne-functionalizedAuNPshavebeenalso extensivelyused
to detect metal ions in aqueous solutions, such as Cu2+, using
thepresenceofCu2+ ionsbytheaggregationofAuNPsasaresult
of the Cu(I)-catalyzed conjugation between the two functional
groups(Zhouetal., 2008b;Xuetal., 2010;Linetal., 2012).
Another common type of nanoparticles used for click-
chemical species if they are to be used as biomarkers, thera-
peutic agents or sensors. In fact, water soluble and water QDs
have been successfully coatedwith polymers via click-chemistry
reactions (Beaune et al., 2011; Janczewski et al., 2011; Lai and
Guan, 2011; Petryayeva and Krull, 2012; Zhang et al., 2012a).
solubilizationof hydrophobicCdSe/ZnSQDsusing amphiphilic
polymeric coatings. The authors described the preparation of
acetylene- and azide-functionalized QDs for “click” chemistry.
Themethod isuniversal andapplicable toany typeofnanoparti-
cle stabilizedwithhydrophobic ligandsable to interact (inwater)
with the alkyl chains present in the coating (Janczewski et al.,
Interestingly,Haoetal. reportedamethodfor labelingviruses
viacopper-freeclickchemistrytoQDs.Theauthorslinkedvirions modified with azide to QDs capable of realizing single-virion
tracking, laying the foundation for long-termdynamicvisualiza-
tionofvirus infectionprocess (Haoetal., 2012).
Although click chemistry does not appear to be amajor type
of chemistry forMNPs, some interesting examples canbe found
in the literature. For instance, Santra and coworkers reported
the creation of novel polymeric-metallic nanocomposites when
assemblingalkylated IONPswithazidepolymerfluorescentNPs,
obtainingafluorescencematerialwith enhancedmagneticprop-
erties for MRI (Santra et al., 2009). The first example of click
MNPsfor invivoapplicationswasreportedbyBhatiaandcowork-
ers (vonMaltzahnetal., 2008).FluorescentMNPsfunctionalized
with a tumor-targeting peptide (Lyp-1) via click chemistrywere
able to stably navigate the systemic circulation, extravasate into
tumors and penetrate into the interstitial space to specifically
bind to receptorson tumorcells.Weisleddergroupalso reported
the introduction of 18F onto azide-modifiedMNPs using click-
chemistry for invivoPETimaging(Devaraj etal., 2009).
Non-covalentstrategies:physical interactions
Physical interactionsincludeelectrostatic,hydrophobicandaffin-
ity interactions.These interactionshave several advantages, such
as theeaseof functionalization, speedofbindingandthatneither
the biomolecules nor theNPsmust bemodified in case of elec-
trostatic and hydrophobic interactions.However, conjugation is
Moreover, it is difficult to control theamountandorientationof
Ionic coupling. Ionic adsorptionprovides a simple and straight-
forwardmethod to functionalizeNPswithbiomolecules. In fact,
biological andpolymeric specieswith anopposite charge canbe
coupled toNPs (Condeet al., 2012a)orbetweendifferentoppo-
site charged NPs (Liu et al., 2012). Ionic binding rate mainly
depends on the amount of charges present on theNPs and the
biomolecules, as the binding ismade bymultiple point (multi-
punctual). Therefore, when binding complexmolecules such as
antibodiesorproteins, the isoelectricpointshouldbeconsidered,
as theirnetchargewoulddependonit.
Ionic couplinghas been traditionally used to adsorbproteins
toNPs (Brewer et al., 2005;Honget al., 2006;ReedandMetallo,
2010; Guo et al., 2011; Brancolini et al., 2012; Strozyk et al.,
2012), as some proteins such as serum albumin can stabilize
NPs by preventing aggregation (Brewer et al., 2005).Moreover,
proteins can be adsorbed to NPs to increase cellular uptake or
specificity toward tumor cells (Chang et al., 2012). Negatively
the positively chargedQDs through ionic interactions. For this,
Bhang et al. developed a simple andnovel electrostatic coupling
method, which provides a HA-QD conjugate with cancer tar-
geting efficiency to use in diagnostic and imaging applications.
These conjugates were also effective for fluorescence staining of
lymphaticvessels invitroand invivo (Bhangetal., 2009).
Despite the easeof this conjugationmethod, thenative struc-
ture of the adsorbed proteins may be affected (Lacerda et al.,
2010),which couldultimately result in loss of biological activity
orevencellular toxicity (Vertegel etal., 2004;Dengetal., 2011). July2014 |Volume2 |Article48 | 24
Cancer Nanotheranostics
What Have We Learnd So Far?
- Title
- Cancer Nanotheranostics
- Subtitle
- What Have We Learnd So Far?
- Authors
- JoĂŁo Conde
- Pedro Viana Baptista
- JesĂşs M. De La Fuente
- Furong Tian
- Editor
- Frontiers in Chemistry
- Date
- 2016
- Language
- English
- License
- CC BY 4.0
- 978-2-88919-776-7
- Size
- 21.0 x 27.7 cm
- Pages
- 132
- Keywords
- Nanomedicine, Nanoparticles, nanomaterials, Cancer, heranostics, Immunotherapy, bioimaging, Drug delivery, Gene Therapy, Phototherapy
- Categories
- Naturwissenschaften Chemie