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In 2015, theworld achieved several crucialmilestones for safeguarding theglobal
commons.Most prominently were the adoption of the Sustainable Development
Goals and the Paris Agreement on Climate Change. These agreements clearly
recognize that the health of the global commons, like land, forests, oceans, and
climate, is vital for our future development prospects – a recognition that was
embedded in thevery creationof theGlobalEnvironmentFacility (GEF)25years
ago. It is very timely to reflect onwhatwehave achieved,what is still to bedone,
and how we can scale up our efforts in helping countries along the way to
implementing these agreements.
Thanks to all the supportwe received fromdonor countries, partners, andother
stakeholders, theGEFwas able to invest overUS$14 billion in grants andmobi-
lized overUS$74 billion in additional financing for over 4,000 projects in devel-
oping countries. Still, the key drivers of environmental degradation continue to
intensifywith agrowing, andmore affluent, global population and rapidurbaniza-
tion, driving increased demand for food, fiber andmaterials. The associated pres-
sures on forests, land, and oceans are increasingly being exacerbated by climate
change, thereby threateningbiodiversityandEarth’s life support systems. Ifweare
to succeed at the scale the problem deserves, we need to change key economic
systems–howweproduce food;ourcities;howweliveandmovearound;andour
energysystem,howwepowerourvehicles, industries,andhomes. Inanutshell,we
haveourwork cut out for ourselves as never before.
Fortunately, we are not flying in the dark. The GEF stands today on top of a
quarter-century of experience dealingwith the global environment and the stew-
ardshipof theglobalcommons.Thisbodyofworkoffersa tremendousopportunity
to learn – both from our successes and our failures. This is what makes the
continuous, uninterrupted evaluation and assessments by GEF’s Independent
Evaluating Climate Change Action for Sustainable Development
- Title
- Evaluating Climate Change Action for Sustainable Development
- Authors
- Juha I. Uitto
- Jyotsna Puri
- Rob D. van den Berg
- Publisher
- Springer Open
- Date
- 2017
- Language
- German
- License
- CC BY-NC 3.0
- 978-3-319-43702-6
- Size
- 15.5 x 24.1 cm
- Pages
- 365
- Keywords
- Climate Change, Sustainable Development, Climate Change/ Climate Change Impacts, Environmental Management
- Categories
- Naturwissenschaften Umwelt und Klima