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Climate change is one of the preeminent challenges facing the world today. The
consequences of climate changemanifest themselves inmultipleways, including
increasedvariabilityand intensityofextremeweathereventsandsea level rise.We
arealreadyseeingtheimpactsofclimatechange,andthefirstones tofeel themtend
to be poor people and poor countries that aremost vulnerable and have the least
capacities to copewith them. The search for solutions tomitigate climate change
and to adapt to its consequences is urgent. Rigorous evaluation of policies, pro-
grams, and projects can help the international community to identify technical
solutions, economic strategies, and social innovations that improve our ability to
dealwith climate change.This is the focus of thepresent book.
Thebookhas its genesis in theClimate-EvalCommunity ofPractice hosted by
the Independent Evaluation Office of the Global Environment Facility. Its over-
archinggoal is toestablishstandardsandnorms,supportcapacitydevelopment,and
share good practices in evaluations of climate change and development. In
November2014,Climate-Evalwith itspartnersorganized theSecondInternational
Conference on Evaluating Climate Change and Development in Washington,
D.C. The aimof this eventwas to promote an interdisciplinary exchange of ideas
andmethods to evaluate climate change and sustainable development. This 3-day
event brought together some300 leadingexperts andpolicymakers in thefieldand
included sessions on climate changemitigation, adaptation, and policy, aswell as
special sessionssuchaspaneldiscussionsandroundtables.Topicsdiscussedranged
from theory of change approaches to evaluation and institutional capacity; to
disaster risk reduction, resilience, and tracking adaptation; to monitoring and
evaluation of ecosystem-based and natural resource management interventions
and climate change funds.
EvaluatingClimateChangeAction for SustainableDevelopmentbuilds upon a
selection of themost relevant and practical papers and presentations given at the
2014 conference. Following the conference, the editors and the authors worked
closely together to develop the presentations into a coherent set of articles orga-
nized around the three main themes of climate change evaluation: policy,
Evaluating Climate Change Action for Sustainable Development
- Title
- Evaluating Climate Change Action for Sustainable Development
- Authors
- Juha I. Uitto
- Jyotsna Puri
- Rob D. van den Berg
- Publisher
- Springer Open
- Date
- 2017
- Language
- German
- License
- CC BY-NC 3.0
- 978-3-319-43702-6
- Size
- 15.5 x 24.1 cm
- Pages
- 365
- Keywords
- Climate Change, Sustainable Development, Climate Change/ Climate Change Impacts, Environmental Management
- Categories
- Naturwissenschaften Umwelt und Klima