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Designing a fit-for-purpose coaching model 67
transitioning manager (denoted as »TM«). Data gathered during each micro and
macrocycle included researcher and participant reflections, structured coach-
ing feedback forms from TMs after each coaching session and post-coaching
intervention interviews with TMs. At the end of each macrocycle, adjustments
were made to the emerging TTC framework based on the evidence from that
macrocycle. After five macrocycles, the final TTC framework emerged.
Findings and discussion
The TTC framework that emerged from this research consists of seven aspects,
which guide a coach in coaching transitioning leaders in a manner that may
facilitate transformative learning during a career transition.
The context and focus of the coaching intervention must explicitly focus on
supporting the transitioning leader by facilitating transformative learning. The
foundation phase revealed that a focussed approach to coaching is needed to
support the transitioning leaders and is in line with findings from Cox, Bach-
kirova and Clutterbuch (2014). This was confirmed during the application phase
where TMs found the narrow focus of the coaching helpful.
During the foundation phase, all the coaches interviewed reported going through
a contracting phase involving an organisational representative. In the applica-
tion phase, contracting was used with all six TMs and reaffirmed the impor-
tance for this aspect. Formal contracting has been shown to be a crucial aspect
of coaching interventions (Passmore & Fillery-Travis, 2011; Sparrow, 2007).
Findings indicate that coaching goals relating to transition challenges must be
agreed upon and recorded in collaboration with the organisation. Goal setting
ensures the focus of the coaching remains within the context of the career tran-
sition. According to the participants from the foundation phase, coaching goals
provided structure and helped coachees stay accountable, while findings from
the application phase added to the understanding of how to apply the set goal
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