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Designing a fit-for-purpose coaching model 69
ranging between six and ten sessions only over a period of less than a year. It
was felt that this was inadequate. Participants suggested that coaching should
start before the promotion takes effect (two to three sessions a few weeks apart),
followed by frequent coaching sessions (every two to four weeks) for the first
six months after the promotion and less frequent coaching (every one to three
months) for at least another one to two years.
Research has shown that the robustness of the coaching results increases
with the number of coaching sessions (Theeboom et al., 2013), and in transfor-
mative learning, deeper levels of learning occur when adequate time is available
for critical reflection and active experimentation (Mezirow, 1994).
During the foundation phase, 13 coaching tools and techniques used to facili-
tate deep, permanent changes were identified. Five were used substantially more
than the rest: questioning, reflection, active experimentation, using frameworks
and theory (about career transitions and transformative learning), as well as
challenging views and assumptions. Using these techniques may therefore accel-
erate transformative learning.
The efficacious aspect of the TTC model was achieved by using Hoggan’s (2016)
three criteria. Hoggan’s three criteria were found to be useful for evaluating the
level of transformation and, hence, the success of the transition coaching inter-
vention. Of the six TMs who were coached using the TTC model, four satisfied
Hoggan’s criteria for transformative learning.
On a scholarly level, the association between coaching and one of its fundamen-
tal underpinning theories (adult learning) is strengthened through the oper-
ationalisation of transformative learning in the coaching process. The under-
standing of coaching practice is enhanced by the identification of coaching
techniques that lead to transformative learning. On a practical level, a new
empirically researched coaching framework is presented that could be used by
coaches, purchasers of coaching services and coach training providers in rela-
tion to transition coaching interventions.
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