Seite - 38 - in Joint Austrian Computer Vision and Robotics Workshop 2020
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Text der Seite - 38 -
The systems of BMW and IncubedIT have been
tested on devices with the following specifications.
At BMW an Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 with a 1.70GHz
processor and 8GB RAM is used. At IncubedIT an
10 is installed. Clingo is running in version 5.3.0
withGringo V5.3.0. andClaspV3.3.4.
In Table 1, the mean value and the standard de-
viation of the runtimes for all test scenarios (10 for
each scenario) are shown and the number of solved
test runs isgiven. If theoptimalsolution isnot found
within the BMW-specific time limit of 60 seconds,
the solving process is aborted. Consequently, these
aborted test runs are not considered in the calcula-
tions for themeanandstandarddeviation. Themean
performance of the imperative method is for every
scenario the best. As shown in the tables, two differ-
ent ways of using ASP were tested. In the first one,
the solver is directly called inside C#, while in the
second we run ASP standalone. The serious perfor-
mance issues of the former indicate potential for an
improved incorporationof theASPcall inC#.
The instances are formed as follow: for the test
scenario1,wehave5 tasksand5robots; for the sce-
nario2,20tasksand12robots;finally, scenario3has
50 tasks and 30 robots. The positions of the robots
and stations of the tasks are randomly placed on a
Looking at the results in Table 1 the imperative
solution seems the winner, but in ASP not the Eu-
clidean distance for single robot is optimised, but
the traveling costs of the whole fleet. So, by using
ASP, we are rewarded with far better quality solu-
tions, as witnessed by Table 4, where traveling costs
for scenario 3 are shown. This scenario is particu-
larly interesting, since ASP was not able to find the
provable optimal solutions within the time limit. Al-
though, while looking for that, solvers like Clingo
keep returning thebest solution foundso far, as soon
as it finds a better one. Looking at Table 4, we can
see that thebestASPsolution foundwithin1second
considerably beats the C# solution. However, in this
scenario we do not get an improvement with higher
time limits. Resultswith theother scenariosare sim-
ilar, with the imperative implementation never being
close to the ASP traveling distance. This particular
problemhighlights theperformance-quality trade-off between the twoapproaches.
In Table 2 the mean value and the standard devia-
tion of the runtime of every test scenario is shown,
considering the charge and park problem. Same
rules as before are applied regarding the time limit
of 60 seconds. The instances are formed as follow:
2 charging stations (CS), 3 parking places (PP) and
3 robots (R) for scenario 1; 7 CS, 14 PP and 3 R for
scenario 2; finally, 17 CS, 33 PP and 30 R for sce-
The imperative C# approach shows for all
scenarios a better performance than the ASP-
implementations, which, as in the task assignment
mizing theoverall travellingdistancebetweenrobots
and stations, while the C# program prioritizes the
robots with the most critical battery level. In con-
trast to the task assignment, in this case the problem
is too complex to ASP, which does not succeed in
findinggoodqualitysolutions (Table4)and, insome
cases, it does not succeed to find a solution at all.
This observation leads to the assumption that the en-
codingof theparkandchargeassignmentproblemin
ASP is not optimal, as the performance of the task
assignmentencodingforsimilarlyscaled instances is
4.2.Evaluationat IncubedIT
In the IncubedITuse-case, the twoproblems, task
previoussection. InTable3, themeanvalueandstan-
dard deviation of the runtimes for the test scenarios
solved with the original code and with the in-Java
integrated ASP are shown, together with standalone
ASP. A timeout is reached when a test run requires
more than 30 seconds to find an optimal solution.
Test runs that reached the timeoutarenotconsidered
in the calculation for the mean and the standard de-
viation. The testing environment has a floor area of
100m×86m where the robots are freely movable.
The three scenarios we are going to test are formed
as follows: for scenario 1, we have 5 robots (R),
3 charging stations (CS), 7 parking places (PP) and
5 tasks (T); 10 R, 6 CS, 14 PP and 10 T for sce-
nario 2; finally, for the last scenario we have 30 R,
As we would expect from an NP problem solver,
the reader can notice from the results that ASP is
faster than the Java program while solving small
Joint Austrian Computer Vision and Robotics Workshop 2020
- Titel
- Joint Austrian Computer Vision and Robotics Workshop 2020
- Herausgeber
- Graz University of Technology
- Ort
- Graz
- Datum
- 2020
- Sprache
- englisch
- Lizenz
- CC BY 4.0
- 978-3-85125-752-6
- Abmessungen
- 21.0 x 29.7 cm
- Seiten
- 188
- Kategorien
- Informatik
- Technik