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Scenario Java
Implementation ASPwithinJava
Implementation Standalone
µ [ms] σ [ms] #TRS µ [ms] σ [ms] #TRS µ [ms] σ [ms] #TRS
1 278.30 226.64 10 121.30 143.50 10 71.90 14.96 10
2 491.30 223.23 10 495.00 339.16 10 278.67 236.67 10
3 2,572.80 4,894.22 10 / / 0 / / 0
Table 3: Runtimeandsolved test runs (TRS) for thedifferent IncubedITassignment implementations
Use-case Imperative ASPafter1sec ASPafter5sec ASPafter60sec
BMWtaskassign. 7242 3834 3834 3834
BMWpark&chargeassign. 3217 6979 6530 4669
IncubedITassign. 186 293 302 257
Table4: Travelingcosts for all theuse-cases [m]
promisingover thequality.
To conclude, this work has shown that declarative
programming can perform well on real-world logis-
quality of the optimization. Another important ad-
vantage of this approach is the separation between
the description and the solving of the problem. In
fact, performance can be an issue with ASP, espe-
manymeta-heuristicsandoptimizations toplaywith.
Once the proper settings for the specific scenario are
found, solving time can improve considerably, with-
out having to modify the code at all. In all the cases
in which a greedy algorithm is proven to perform
well, in terms of both quality and solving time, im-
perative programmingstill remains thebest choice.
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Joint Austrian Computer Vision and Robotics Workshop 2020
- Titel
- Joint Austrian Computer Vision and Robotics Workshop 2020
- Herausgeber
- Graz University of Technology
- Ort
- Graz
- Datum
- 2020
- Sprache
- englisch
- Lizenz
- CC BY 4.0
- 978-3-85125-752-6
- Abmessungen
- 21.0 x 29.7 cm
- Seiten
- 188
- Kategorien
- Informatik
- Technik