Seite - 45 - in Joint Austrian Computer Vision and Robotics Workshop 2020
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Text der Seite - 45 -
Webcam Hand Tracking
Xtion DemonstrationsDemonstrationsDemonstrations Robot State Robot Control
Hand Poses
End-Effector Poses
RGB Images
RGB-D Images
RGB-D Images Desired End-Effector Poses
End-Effector Poses
(120, 160, 3)
7x7 Conv 64 /2
Concatenation Current Position
7x7 Conv 16 /2
(120, 160, 1) Final Position
Auxiliary Predictions
Recent Positions
(5 ⨉ 3) (1 ⨉ 3)
Figure 2. Overview of the system. The dashed lines show the procedure to collect demonstrations for training. The
continuous lines show the information flow duringpolicy execution.
the changing lighting conditions in the test environ-
ment. Additionally, we added dropout of the recent
end-effector positions to avoid the robot following
the same trajectory during most executions and not
taking theobjectposition intoaccount.
Theoverall loss isdefinedas
The first two terms are the l1and l2 losses.Lc is the
cosine lossandLauxare the l2 lossesof theauxiliary
predictions. Compared to [27],weadded the loss
Ls=exp(−||πθ(ot)||2) (3)
that penalizes very slow speeds. The weights
were chosen as λl1=1.0, λl2=0.01, λc=0.05,
λs=0.1, andλaux=0.01.
4. Experiments
Thissectionpresents theexperimental results. We
first describe the setup and procedure for collecting
demonstration data. We analyze the performance of
ourmethodwith respect to thenetworkdesign.
All experiments are conducted with a KUKA
LWR IV+ [3] robotic arm using the provided con-
trol unit. The arm has 7 degrees of freedom and
is controlled with position commands for the joints.
The arm is mounted on the ceiling with a small ta-
ble standing underneath it on which the target object
(box) rests. The goal region is marked with tape. An
ASUS Xtion RGB-D camera is mounted to the ceil-
ing to capture the scene from above. For hand track-
The algorithms for the hand tracking and the task
execution run on a remote PC connected to the
KUKA control unit via Ethernet. The communica-
tion between the remote PC and the control unit is enabled through thekuka-lwr-rospackage1 using the
fast research interface (FRI) [23].
For data collection, the teleoperator directly faces
the robot and the webcam. For each demonstration,
the box is positioned randomly on the table. The
teleoperator moves the box to the goal position us-
ing our control scheme. We collected 98 demon-
strations with an average length of 42.8s with a
rate of 10Hz for our evaluation. That is signifi-
cantlyabovetheaveragedemonstration timeper task
of [27], which is between 3.7s and 11.6s and neces-
sitates our changes to the architecture to deal with
these imperfectdemonstrations.
4.2. Results
For the evaluation, the workspace of the robot on
the table is divided into a grid of 9 different posi-
tions with 20cm intervals. Per position, the learned
policy is executed for4different rotationsof thebox
(−45◦,0◦,45◦,90◦). We measure both if the box is
pushed towards the goal (started push) as well as if
at least part of it is pushed into the goal (success).
If the robot starts to push the box, but loses it, we
restart the policy manually and keep the box in the
same position when the end-effector stops or leaves
the workspace. This could be automated with a sim-
pleheuristic. If the taskcanbeachieved inaconsec-
utive trial, westill count it as a success.
As shown in Table 1, our learned policy started to
push the box in the right direction in 86.1% of the
cases and reached the goal in 58.3% of the overall
attempts. A reason for most failure cases is the grid
tests the roboton theedgesof itsworkspacewhere it
ismuchmoredifficult toperformthe task.
We conducted an ablation study to evaluate our
changes to the original architecture of [27]. We re-
Joint Austrian Computer Vision and Robotics Workshop 2020
- Titel
- Joint Austrian Computer Vision and Robotics Workshop 2020
- Herausgeber
- Graz University of Technology
- Ort
- Graz
- Datum
- 2020
- Sprache
- englisch
- Lizenz
- CC BY 4.0
- 978-3-85125-752-6
- Abmessungen
- 21.0 x 29.7 cm
- Seiten
- 188
- Kategorien
- Informatik
- Technik