Seite - 49 - in Joint Austrian Computer Vision and Robotics Workshop 2020
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Final waypoint reached
Stopping Replanning
Unfeasible trajectory
New global plan received No obstacle detected
Replan requested
Figure 2. Overview of the local planner state machine de-
scribedasa statemachine
In this section, we propose the architecture of our
motion planner framework1. By investigating other
planner frameworks we found the following typical
1. The underlying planner is controlled by events
(e.g. transition to re-planning, recovery initia-
tion) in a fashion of a state-machine based ap-
proach (a brief overview of the local planner
statemachine is shownonFigure2).
2. Executionshouldnotstartbeforeall input infor-
mation hasbeen received recently.
3. Transitions between states are not necessarily
instantaneous, requiringsmootherswitchingbe-
tween behaviors.
The development of a (hybrid) timed state machine
library was motivated by these properties, especially
to efficiently resolve property 1 and 2. Hybrid au-
tomata [1] is a well-studied way to model and ver-
ify systems with both discrete and continuous timed
properties and also to describe robot behaviors [2].
A behavior similar to what is presented on Figure 2
can be easily mapped to hybrid automata formalism.
Transitions are either governed by discrete events
and continuous activities. For example, a continu-
ous variable in this case could be the distance to the
closest obstacle detected and a typical discrete event
is the request to replan a segment of the trajectory
or to execute fallback scenario. We ensure, that each
enablingversatile runtimeverification.
Our goal was to follow a highly-distributed archi-
tecture, where sub-tasks are decomposed from the
planner component. In our approach, the perception
are decomposed from other specific planner tasks.
1Availableat planner.git This enables the reuse of components and isolated
verification. Perception components are interacting
and modifying continuous signals. For instance, an
obstacle detection component may trigger the local
planner to replan by raising a discrete-timed event.
After theobstacle isavoided, theplanner restores the
remainderof theoriginal trajectory in relaymode.
In conclusion, we provided an overview of a
new motion planning framework under development
which can be easily extended with new algorithms
and tuned to specific domain requirements. A new
initial motion planner framework version is created.
The extension of our framework with various local
planner methods is a primary focus. Global trajec-
tory planner methods will be integrated in the fu-
ture. Our automata framework and the related code-
generator toolwill bealsoenhanced.
This work was supported by the Hungarian Gov-
ernment and the European Union within the frames
of the Sze´chenyi 2020 Programme through grant
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vol.4, 1999.
[3] S. Kato, S. Tokunaga, Y. Maruyama, S. Maeda,
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[4] S.M.LaValle. PlanningAlgorithms. CambridgeUni-
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Joint Austrian Computer Vision and Robotics Workshop 2020
- Titel
- Joint Austrian Computer Vision and Robotics Workshop 2020
- Herausgeber
- Graz University of Technology
- Ort
- Graz
- Datum
- 2020
- Sprache
- englisch
- Lizenz
- CC BY 4.0
- 978-3-85125-752-6
- Abmessungen
- 21.0 x 29.7 cm
- Seiten
- 188
- Kategorien
- Informatik
- Technik