Seite - 490 - in Loss and Damage from Climate Change - Concepts, Methods and Policy Options
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490 J.Linnerooth-Bayeret al.
of alternative instruments, suchas reinsurancesidecars,where investorsactdirectly
as reinsurers, and risk swaps, options and losswarranties.Most of these alternative
direct role inproviding insuranceand reinsuranceprotection.
21.2.4 Typesof Insurance
featureofmostwealthycountries; yet, institutional arrangements candiffer signifi-
cantlydependingparticularlyon thedegreeofprivate-market responsibility. In this
discussion,we distinguish between private-market insurance, public-private insur-
ance arrangements, and public assistance. Private-market insurers underwrite the
risks, and clients are asked to pay their full or close-to-full risk-based premium,
albeitoftenwithcross-subsidies fromlow-risk tohigh-riskclients thatkeep thepre-
miumsaffordable (e.g., flood insurance inGermany,Norwayand theU.K.).At the
other endof the spectrum is public assistance,which can take the formof a catas-
trophe reserve fundfinanced fromgeneral taxes (e.g., inAustria) fromwhich loss
reimbursementcanbelegallybinding(e.g.,earthquakerelief inItaly)ornon-legally
binding and ad hoc (e.g., inHungary). In between these two ends of the spectrum
aremanypublic-privatearrangements.Public institutionsareactive, for instance, in
underwriting insurance (e.g., theUSNationalFlood InsuranceProgram),providing
subsidies and other support to private insurance programs (e.g., theAustrian crop
(e.g., theFrenchall-hazard insurancesystem).
Insurance can be indemnity-based, where products are written against actual
losses, or parametric, where products are written against a physical index (e.g.,
soil moisture), that is, against events that cause loss, not against the loss itself.
A parametric instrument disburses funds based on a triggering event that reaches
a pre-determined threshold of a quantifiablemeasure (for example,wind speed or
precipitation), which importantly is not conditional on an on-site loss assessment.
Semi-parametric schemes are alsowritten,where the trigger is a combination of a
hazard and its calculated/modelled impact basedonknownexposures andvulnera-
bilities (Molini et al. 2007).
prominently in theL&Ddiscussions, two typesof insurance arehighlighted in this
chapter: (1)micro-insurance that offers cover tohouseholds, farmsandSMEs, and
(2) regional sovereign risk pools providing support for national governments. The
intentofmicro-insurance is tomake insuranceaccessiblebyavoiding thehighcosts
of regional sovereign risk insurance pools, including those already formed in the
Caribbean,Pacific IslandsandAfrica, is toensureneededand timely liquiditypost-
Loss and Damage from Climate Change
Concepts, Methods and Policy Options
- Titel
- Loss and Damage from Climate Change
- Untertitel
- Concepts, Methods and Policy Options
- Autoren
- Reinhard Mechler
- Laurens M. Bouwer
- Thomas Schinko
- Swenja Surminski
- JoAnne Linnerooth-Bayer
- Verlag
- Springer Open
- Datum
- 2019
- Sprache
- englisch
- Lizenz
- CC BY 4.0
- 978-3-319-72026-5
- Abmessungen
- 16.0 x 24.0 cm
- Seiten
- 580
- Schlagwörter
- Environment, Climate change, Environmental law, Environmental policy, Risk management
- Kategorien
- International
- Naturwissenschaften Umwelt und Klima