Seite - 3 - in options, Band winter 2014/2015
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2014/2015 +
2 editorial
Keeping up to data
4 research news
4 The benefits of population aging  A growing danger
of forest fires
5 Climate targets move further from reach  Citizen science
on the farm  Rising tides  Biodiversity in the balance
 Scenarios for climate research
6 Green growth and sustainable development  Chasing
innovation  People in motion  Future
thinking 
Demography and religion
7 The game of life  Making climate change policy
8 science into policy
8 The costs of delaying action on climate change
9 UN Climate Summit 2014  Global science advisors share
knowledge  Population policy for the 21st century  Science,
media, and democracy in the EU  Austrian climate report
22 regional focus
22 africa Solving the maize?  Curbing CH4 from pit latrines
23 americas Toward universal pensions in Mexico
 Sustainability means business success
24 asia China’s richest provinces worsen scarcity among
water-poor regions  Climate-smart farming needed
to reverse crop yield stagnation
25 asia & oceania Major air pollutant reduction in East Asia
“feasible”  Jakarta puts climate risk management theory
into practice
26 europe Fisheries research tips the scales  Paris to
easier in 2050
27 institute news
27 Indonesian seminar on applied systems analysis
 Enhancing collaboration with Korea and Malaysia
28 Peter E. de Jánosi Postdoctoral Fellowship campaign
 New appointments at IIASA
29 IIASA hosts major infrastructure symposium 
UNIDO and IIASA strengthen ties  Program evaluations
 IIASA meets Lower Austria  Top global think tank
30 people at iiasa
30 young scientists Challenges for humanity—and for researchers
Workshop brings new perspective to global challenges
Rational water use
Delin Fang, SA-YSSP participant from China, finds hidden water
in her country’s agricultural system
31 interview Recovering from disaster: What does it take?
Q&A with IIASA Postdoctoral Research Scholar Wei Liu 10 feature articles
10 opinion Research tools can bridge
science & policy
By Anne Glover, Chief Scientific Adviser to
the President of the European Commission
11 Q&A Inequality is a lifelong story
An interview with Tarja Halonen,
Finland’s first female head of state
12 Reflecting on inequality
Developing positive narratives for the
path to sustainable development
14 cover Quality not quantity
New projections bring a revolutionary view
of future population
18 Bouncing forward
An unusual partnership aims to build
flood resilience worldwide
20 From story to science
Discovering the stakeholders behind IIASA research
Cover photo by
Michelle Mesen | GPE (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0) 11
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Buch options, Band winter 2014/2015"