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26 regional focus
◼ winter 2017/18
More targeted efforts are needed from both the public and
private insurance sectors in order to encourage people to
take action to reduce their risk of flood damage, according
to a new study that examined flood preparedness and attitudes in
Austria, England, and Romania.
“Currently neither insurance nor governments successfully
encourage risk reduction. Increased and more targeted efforts,
particularly from local authorities, will be important, and have the
capacity to change the picture. This will be exceedingly important
considering extreme events from climate change,” says IIASA
researcher Susanne Hanger, who led the study. “This in turn is
important for insurance to remain viable and for governments to
not overspend on disaster aid.”
The study, published in the journal Risk Analysis also finds little
support for the idea that compensation for flood damage make
people less likely to take personal risk reduction measures, such as
taking actions to prepare for an eventual flood or installing structures
or technologies that can help protect homes from damage. Instead,
the study finds that neither private insurance nor public compensation
after a disaster is linked to less risk reduction at an individual level.
The study also found important differences in flood preparedness and
awareness between the three countries, perhaps related to differences
in government capacity. In Austria and England, the researchers found
that public risk reduction infrastructure, such as dams and levees, were
associated with a lower rate of individual investment in risk reduction
measures. But in Romania neither insurer’s nor government efforts
showed any effect on household risk reduction behavior. KL
As countries around the world look to reduce their dependence
on fossil fuels, they are changing the traditional supply and
demand of energy resources. In the UK, increasing supply of
renewable energy and integration of new consumer technologies,
such as electric vehicles, small-scale solar and wind renewables, is
challenging the way electricity is traditionally balanced in the grid.
Demand side management (DSM) has been recognized as a
promising solution to overcome the challenge of balancing the grid.
Operation of flexible consumer technologies can be shifted in time
Using demand-side management to solve UK energy problems
Room for improvement in
European flood preparedness Further info Subkhankulova D, Baklanov A, & McCollum D (2017). Demand
Side Management: A Case for Disruptive Behaviour. In: Advanced Computational
Methods for Knowledge Engineering. Eds. Le, Nguyen-Thinh, van Do, Tien,
Nguyen, Ngoc Thanh & Thi, Hoai An Le, pp. 47-59 Cham, Switzerland: Springer
International Publishing AG. []
Artem Baklanov
Further info Hanger-Kopp S, Bayer J, Surminski S, Nenciu C, Lorant A, Ionescu R,
& Patt A (2017). Insurance, public assistance and household flood risk reduction:
A comparative study of Austria, England and Romania. Risk Analysis.
Susanne Hanger-Kopp
in order to coincide with renewable electricity generation. However,
most existing models focus on an isolated system, whereby a single
aggregator coordinates a pool of homogenous consumers.
In a new study, Dina Subkhankulova and her coauthors showed
that DSM can lead to negative consequences such as increased system
demand peaks and higher electricity prices, as a result of electricity
utilities using it as a tool to compete in the market.
“If done well, demand side management can serve as a powerful
tool to balance renewables in the grid and help the UK transition to a
more sustainable system,” explains Subkhankulova, who participated
in the IIASA Young Scientist Summer Program in 2016. “However,
when considered in the context of competing electricity utilities, DSM
could lead to negative effects for the whole system. We argue that
a relevant regulatory framework for DSM is likely to be required in
the future.” JS
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Buch options, Band winter 2017/2018"
Band winter 2017/2018
- Titel
- options
- Band
- winter 2017/2018
- Ort
- Laxenburg
- Datum
- 2017
- Sprache
- englisch
- Lizenz
- CC BY-NC 4.0
- Abmessungen
- 21.0 x 29.7 cm
- Seiten
- 32
- Kategorien
- Zeitschriften Options Magazine