Seite - XVI - in Otto Bauer (1881–1938) - Thinker and Politician
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Text der Seite - XVI -
xvi introduction to the english edition
did they criticiseLeser’smethodof illuminating facts, they also accusedhim
of a gross subjectivism and personal animosity towards Bauer. In addition,
twoworksglorifying the leadersof thepre-warsdap further ignitedtheargu-
mentaboutAustromarxism’s legacy:ViktorReimann’sZugross fürÖsterreich.
BauerintheStrugglefortheFirstRepublic, 1968)andOttoLeichter’sOttoBauer.
Tragödie oder Triumph (Otto Bauer. Tragedy or Triumph, 1970). The ultimate
fruits of this debatewere the 1975–80publicationofBauer’s collectedworks,
around300 tomesandarticlesdedicated to this current’s theoryandpractice
written from1970–2014byAustrian,German, Italian, French,American,Rus-
seminars, andadiscussiononthecontinuedrelevanceofBauer’sprogramme
lemidelsocialismoandMondoperaio, forinstance,publishedwritingsbyItalian
CommunistPartymembersdrawingparallels between theWeimarRepublic,
theFirstRepublic inGermany, and thecontemporary socio-political crisis in
Italy; theauthors attempted to findconvergentpositionsbetweenBauer and
ticismfromtheYoungSocialists inthespdandattacks fromthe ‘newleft’, the
appealing to theexperienceof ‘redVienna’. The socialist left,mainly inWest
Germany,Austria,andItaly, lookedtotheAustromarxists’workstofindabase
for theconceptof socialdemocracy, the theoryof thebalanceof class forces,
and justifications for thedissimilar economic structures inhighly developed
countries and the ussr andAsian countries. Note that Austromarxism also
7 Therewere the following events andpublications, amongothers: a 1976Berlin conference
organised by left socialists from Bremen University, Detlev Albers, Volker Gransow and
MichaelKrätke, concerning strategic premises for theWestGermanworkers’movement–
with respect to social partnership, the conferenceharkedback toBauer’s proposals; three
orAustromarxist renaissance’ in Paris; celebrations of Bauer’s 100th birthday in Budapest;
a 1984 conference onOtto Bauer’s andAustromarxism’s contribution to the development
of democratic socialist theory and practice, organised on the initiative ofHorstHeimann
andThomasMeyer, editorsofZeitschrift fürsozialistischePolitikundWirtschaft ( Journal for
SocialistPoliticsandEconomy). Forextensiveassessmentsof the receptionofBauer’sworks
8 AcollectionofAustromarxisttexts,editedbyMarramaoandintroducedbyMozetič,metwith
vividinterest intheEurocommunistcamp.
Otto Bauer (1881–1938)
Thinker and Politician
- Titel
- Otto Bauer (1881–1938)
- Untertitel
- Thinker and Politician
- Autor
- Ewa Czerwińska-Schupp
- Verlag
- Brill
- Ort
- Leiden
- Datum
- 2017
- Sprache
- englisch
- Lizenz
- CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
- 978-90-04-32583-8
- Abmessungen
- 7.9 x 12.0 cm
- Seiten
- 444
- Schlagwörter
- Otto Bauer, Österreich, Österreichische, Politiker, Denker, Austomarxismus, Sozialismus, Moral, Imperialismus, Nation, Demokratie, Revolution, Staat, Faschismus, Krieg, SDAP
- Kategorie
- Biographien