Seite - XVII - in Otto Bauer (1881–1938) - Thinker and Politician
Bild der Seite - XVII -
Text der Seite - XVII -
introduction to the english edition xvii
became attractive to Christian theorists at that time. The idea of collabora-
directly toBauer’spositiononthenecessityofco-operationbetweenpolitical
andchurch leaders indenouncingexploitationandsocial injustice, aswell as
indefending social rights andmass access to culture. These ideaswere seen
asconstitutingthe foundationforamoral renewalofcontemporarycapitalist
asaclosedchapter’.Workson thispolitical current continue tobepublished
tothisday, thebestexamplesbeinganoutstandingbiographybytheAustrian
historian,ErnstHanisch,DergrosseIllusionist.OttoBauer 1881–1983 (TheGreat
Illusionist, 2011) andOlaf Leiße’sDerUntergang des österreichischen Imperi-
ums.OttoBauerunddieNationalitätenfrageinderHabsburgerMonarchie (The
Declineof theAustrianEmpire.OttoBauerandtheNationalitiesQuestionof the
HabsburgMonarchy,2012).Totheextentthiswaspossible, Ihaveincorporated
andarticlespublished from1984–2014 that Ihadbeenpreviouslyunawareof,
ers’movement inhis lifetime.Heentered thehistoryofpoliticalmovements
as the ideological leader of Austrian Social Democracy in the First Repub-
lic; co-founder andprimemoverofAustromarxism from1906–38, state func-
tionary, influential theorist, and one of the leaders of three internationals –
theSecondInternational, theInternationalWorkingUnionofSocialistParties
(‘Second and a half international’), and Labour and Socialist International,
and journals, and teacher at the ‘workers’ college’.No less respectedwerehis
political thinker, andauthorof textsoneconomics.Hewrote47monographs
and around 4,000 articles – his written publications amount tomore than
perandDerKampfmonthly journal informedreadersextensivelyonnational
and international political events and acute questions in the international
workers’movement andhis party, andat the same timecrucially influenced
publicopinion.9Allof thissuggeststhat intheeyesofcontemporarysocialists
9 Bauerbeganwritingaged24in1904andcontinuedtowriteuntil theendofhis life.Thatthe
magazinesPrzedświtandRobotnikcontinually translatedhiswritings intoPolish testifies to
Otto Bauer (1881–1938)
Thinker and Politician
- Titel
- Otto Bauer (1881–1938)
- Untertitel
- Thinker and Politician
- Autor
- Ewa Czerwińska-Schupp
- Verlag
- Brill
- Ort
- Leiden
- Datum
- 2017
- Sprache
- englisch
- Lizenz
- CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
- 978-90-04-32583-8
- Abmessungen
- 7.9 x 12.0 cm
- Seiten
- 444
- Schlagwörter
- Otto Bauer, Österreich, Österreichische, Politiker, Denker, Austomarxismus, Sozialismus, Moral, Imperialismus, Nation, Demokratie, Revolution, Staat, Faschismus, Krieg, SDAP
- Kategorie
- Biographien