Seite - 3 - in The Power of Urban Water - Studies in premodern urbanism
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1 Introduction 3
Fig. 1
tion thaturbanspacesaresociallyproduced spaces.Onthisbasis,heconsiders theexperienced
space (espacevecu), theperceivedspace (espaceperçu), and the imaginedspace (espaceconçu)
to bemutually interdependent.24We refer to this concept, but we differentiate the categories
more indetail and include further analytical constituents (Fig. 1): urbanagencyandurbanper-
ception, the architecturally andmaterially defined urban space, mental concepts of urbanity,
materialand immaterial resources,andenvironment.Witha focusonurbanwater, this concept
canbe further specified.
1)Practiceswithinurbanagglomerations referring towater includeabroad rangeofactivi-
ties, including drinking and foodpreparation, specific forms ofmovement (shipping), produc-
tiveactivities involvingwater,hygieneandmedicalpractices, leisureactivities suchasbathing,
ritualssuchasbaptism,andceremonies.Thefollowingquestionswillbeof importance: Inwhat
waydoes thepresenceorabsenceofwatergeneratespecific formsofurbanagency?Whateffect
doesthepractical (e.g.cultic,ceremonial,hygienic) relevanceofwaterhaveonthearchitectural
24 A concise definition of Lefebvre’s concepts is given in Knox – Pinch 2010, 199: ‘Material spatial practices
refer to the interactions and physical flows that occur in and across space as part of fundamental processes of
economicproductionandsocial reproduction.Representationsof space includeall of the signs, symbols, codifi-
cations andknowledge that allowmaterial spatial practices to be talked about andunderstood.Spacesof repre-
sentation aremental constructs suchas utopianplans, imaginary landscapes, paintings and symbolic structures
that imaginenewmeaningsorpossibilities for spatial practices’.
The Power of Urban Water
Studies in premodern urbanism
- Titel
- The Power of Urban Water
- Untertitel
- Studies in premodern urbanism
- Autoren
- Nicola Chiarenza
- Annette Haug
- Ulrich Müller
- Verlag
- De Gruyter Open Ltd
- Datum
- 2020
- Sprache
- englisch
- Lizenz
- CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
- 978-3-11-067706-5
- Abmessungen
- 21.0 x 28.0 cm
- Seiten
- 280
- Kategorie
- Technik