Seite - 77 - in Proceedings of the OAGM&ARW Joint Workshop - Vision, Automation and Robotics
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RealSense R200
Fig. 3: Experimental setupwith two IntelR©RealSenseR200 structured light cameras in 90◦ alignment to anABB IRB120.
algorithm.Rz(α)performsa roll, pitch,oryawrotationabout
theangleα according to the joint rotationaxis.ThenewDH-
transformationmatrix n−1Tn∈R4×4 of Equation (4)will be
saved after the rotations have been performed. By iteration
of these equations every rotationRz(α) of a joint nwill be
passed to the following joints. This guarantees that every
joint keeps coupled to each other.
Two identical structured light cameras (IntelR©RealSense
R200) areused in the setup (cf. Figure3) to avoidocclusions
and to get a denser point cloud representation of the robot
as shown in Figure 2c. The cameras are positioned in 90◦ to
each other. This angle has been chosen since the influence
of the illumination disturbance by the projected structured
lights isminimized. Each camera is placed 65cm above the
robot with a pitch angle of 30◦ down to have awider view.
The extrinsic camera calibration will be performed through
a plane calibration. Therefore, the table where the robot is
placedonhasbeendetectedby theoutliers’detectionmethod
RandomSampleConsensus (RANSAC) to receive themodel
coefficientsof theplaneAxy.With themodel coefficients, the
dihedral angle between the plane normal and camera image
normal can be derived by the equation
cos(ϕ)= ~n1 ·~n2
|~n1|·|~n2| (7)
where ~n1=(a1,b1,c1) is the normal vector of the planeAxy
in z direction and ~n2=(a2,b2,c2), the normal vector of the
camera image planeAyz along the x directionwith the plane
coefficients ai, bi, ci for i=1,2. The cameras are aligned by
the rotationwithϕ fromEquation (7) (plus the camera pitch
angle) and the known translation from the robot’s base.
The test system, which is used to evaluate the proposed
approach, consists of a personal computer with an IntelR© TABLE IV: The parameters used for the Iterative-Closest-
Point algorithm
Max. Corre-
Distance Max. Iterations Transformation
Epsilon Euclidean
Fitness Epsilon
0.003m 100 1e-8m 5e-4m
GT 630 with the operation system Linux Ubuntu 16.04@
So far, the structured light cameras and the robot motion
communication are implemented successfully in ROS. The
cameras and the robot are launched as ROS nodes such
that they can communicatewith each other. The Point cloud
models of the robot’s links are generated from CAD files
and coupled together via the DH convention such that they
depend on each other and that a rotation of joint one, for
instance, has an effect to the other joints (cf. Equations (2)
to (4)). A visualization is implemented to visualize the
model together with the captured depth image as shown
in Figure 1. The joint positions and alignments from the
implemented model are observable and controllable. Since
the ICP algorithm needs an initial guess where it should
start the matching, an initial robot position for program
start has been chosen as shown in Figure 2a, otherwise a
correct estimation of the position would be hardly possible.
In the first experiment the built-in ICP algorithm from the
PCLhas been testedwith the parameters fromTable IV and
structured light cameraswithmoderate results.While for the
initial pose (start pose) reasonably accurate joint angleswith
±0.5◦ have been measured, the deviation increased up to
±5◦ during motion. These evaluation results were obtained
for slow motion tasks (≤1◦/s). For faster movements the
ICP algorithm is not able to finish the required number of
Proceedings of the OAGM&ARW Joint Workshop
Vision, Automation and Robotics
- Titel
- Proceedings of the OAGM&ARW Joint Workshop
- Untertitel
- Vision, Automation and Robotics
- Autoren
- Peter M. Roth
- Markus Vincze
- Wilfried Kubinger
- Andreas Müller
- Bernhard Blaschitz
- Svorad Stolc
- Verlag
- Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz
- Ort
- Wien
- Datum
- 2017
- Sprache
- englisch
- Lizenz
- CC BY 4.0
- 978-3-85125-524-9
- Abmessungen
- 21.0 x 29.7 cm
- Seiten
- 188
- Schlagwörter
- Tagungsband
- Kategorien
- International
- Tagungsbände