Seite - (000005) - in Programming for Computations – Python - A Gentle Introduction to Numerical Simulations with Python
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Computing, in thesenseofdoingmathematical calculations, is a skill thatmankind
has developed over thousands of years. Programming, on the other hand, is in
its infancy, with a history that spans a few decades only. Both topics are vastly
comprehensive and usually taught as separate subjects in educational institutions
around the world, especially at the undergraduate level. This book is about the
combinationof the two,becausecomputingtodaybecomessomuchmorepowerful
Most universities and colleges implicitly require students to specialize in com-
puter science if theywant to learn the craft of programming, since other student
programsusuallydonotofferprogramming to anextent demandedfor reallymas-
teringthiscraft. Commonargumentsclaimthat it is sufficientwithabrief introduc-
tion, that there isnotenoughroomfor learningprogramminginaddition toallother
must-havesubjects,andthat thereissomuchsoftwareavailablethatfewreallyneed
toprogramthemselves. Aconsequence is that engineering students oftengraduate
with shallow knowledge about programming, unless they happened to choose the
computer sciencedirection.
We think this is anunfortunatesituation. There isnodoubt thatpracticingengi-
neersandscientists need toknowtheirpenandpapermathematics. Theymust also
beable to runoff-the-shelf software for important standard tasks andwill certainly
do that a lot. Nevertheless, thebenefitsofmasteringprogrammingaremany.
1. Ready-madesoftware is limited tohandlingcertainstandardproblems.Whatdo
you dowhen the problem at hand is not covered by the software you bought?
Fortunately, a lot ofmodern software systems are extensible via programming.
In fact,manysystemsdemandparts of theproblemspecification (e.g.,material
models) tobe specifiedbycomputercode.
2. With programming skills, youmay extend the flexibility of existing software
packagesbycombining them. Forexample,youmayintegratepackages thatdo
notspeaktoeachotherfromtheoutset. Thismakestheworkflowsimpler,more
efficient, andmore reliable, and it putsyou inposition toattacknewproblems.
Programming for Computations – Python
A Gentle Introduction to Numerical Simulations with Python
- Titel
- Programming for Computations – Python
- Untertitel
- A Gentle Introduction to Numerical Simulations with Python
- Autoren
- Svein Linge
- Hans Petter Langtangen
- Verlag
- Springer Open
- Datum
- 2016
- Sprache
- englisch
- Lizenz
- CC BY-NC 4.0
- 978-3-319-32428-9
- Abmessungen
- 17.8 x 25.4 cm
- Seiten
- 248
- Schlagwörter
- Programmiersprache, Informatik, programming language, functional, imperative, object-oriented, reflective
- Kategorie
- Informatik