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112 J.Cullen
productionresourcesarenotevenlydistributed, thennotallprosumervoiceswillbe
heard (Ha&Yun,2014).
Agood test, therefore, ofwhether the current drive towardsmakinghigher edu-
cationstudentsmore ‘prosumerist’ leads to improved learningoutcomes iswhether
higher education provides opportunities for disadvantaged students to play a full
role in theco-productionofknowledge.Studentswithdisabilities arearguablybest
placed to answer this question. The following sections of this chapter present the
resultsof researchcarriedoutby theauthoron theextent towhichhighereducation
institutions in theEUaresupporting theparticipationofstudentswithdisabilities in
collaborative learning.5
7.4 ResearchContextand Methodology
Themainobjectiveof the research reportedbelowwas toassess theextent towhich
level enable disabled students to play an active role in collaborative learning. The
methodologywasbasedon‘scientific realist review’ (Pawson,Greenhalgh,Harvey,
rangeofmemberstates:Greece, Italy,Slovenia,PolandandtheUK.AsPawsonputs
it, doing a realist reviewentails ‘feeling yourway’ through the available literature
tofindout how todo something thatmay involvemanydifferentways. Inpractice,
the review startswith a search of the literature, covering both bibliographic (‘aca-
demic’) databases and ‘grey literature’ (e.g. conference papers andonline sources)
toidentifykeypoliciesandpracticesthatsupport theintegrationofdisabledstudents
incollaborative learning.The longlist of itemsgeneratedby the searchprocesswas
then narrowed down to a shortlist of relevantmaterial using ‘inclusion-exclusion’
criteria basedondomain relevance, target group relevance, geographical relevance
andqualityof theevidenceon impactsprovided.Each itemin theshortlistwas then
analysedusingacontent analysisprocedure (Stemler, 2001;Neuendorf, 2002).
7.5 ResearchResults
Until theAmsterdamTreatyof1996, theEU’sapproachtodisabilitywasbasedona
‘medical’understandingandamedicalmodel.This supported theviewthatdisabil-
itywas the result of physical ormental impairments that affect the individual. The
1996 treaty—particularlyArticle13—offeredanalternativeperspectiveondisabil-
ity—the‘socialmodel’—that incorporated references to theeffectsofenvironment,
culture and surroundings.AsubsequentCouncil ofEuropeDirective, also in1996,
5This research was partly supported by a grant from the European Commission’s ‘Tempus’
Radical Solutions and Open Science
An Open Approach to Boost Higher Education
- Titel
- Radical Solutions and Open Science
- Untertitel
- An Open Approach to Boost Higher Education
- Herausgeber
- Daniel Burgos
- Verlag
- Springer Open
- Datum
- 2020
- Sprache
- englisch
- Lizenz
- CC BY 4.0
- 978-981-15-4276-3
- Abmessungen
- 16.0 x 24.1 cm
- Seiten
- 200
- Kategorie
- Informatik