Seite - IX - in Short-Term Load Forecasting by Artificial Intelligent Technologies
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Text der Seite - IX -
Preface to ”Short-TermLoad Forecasting byArtificial
In the last fewdecades, short-term load forecasting (STLF)hasbeenoneof themost important
research issues forachievinghigherefficiencyandreliability inpowersystemoperation, to facilitate
the minimization of its operation cost by providing accurate input to day-ahead scheduling,
contingencyanalysis, loadflowanalysis,planning,andmaintenanceofpowersystem.Thereare lots
of forecastingmodels proposed for STLF, including traditional statisticalmodels (such asARIMA,
SARIMA,ARMAX,multi-variate regression, Kalmanfilter, exponential smoothing, and so on) and
artificial-intelligence-based models (such as artificial neural networks (ANNs), knowledge-based
chaoticmapping functions, andcloudmappingprocess, andsoon),manyadvancedhybridizations
with those artificial-intelligence-basedmodels are also proposed to achieve satisfactory forecasting
accuracy levels. In addition, combining some superiormechanismswith an existingmodel could
empower that model to solve problems it could not deal with before; for example, the seasonal
mechanismfromARIMAmodel isagoodcomponent tobecombinedwithanyforecastingmodels to
help themtodealwithseasonalproblems.
This book contains articles from the Special Issue titled “Short-Term Load Forecasting by
Artificial IntelligentTechnologies”,whichaims toattract researcherswithan interest in the research
areas described above. As Fan et al. [1] highlighted, the research trends of forecastingmodels in
theenergysector inrecentdecadescouldbedivided into threekindsofhybridorcombinedmodels:
(1) hybridizingor combining theartificial intelligent approacheswith eachother; (2) hybridizingor
combiningwith traditional statistical approaches; and (3) hybridizing or combiningwith the novel
evolutionary (ormeta-heuristic) algorithms. Thus, theSpecial Issue, inmethodological applications,
was also based on these three categories, i.e., hybridizing or combining any advanced/novel
techniques in energy forecasting. The hybrid forecastingmodels should have superior capabilities
over the traditional forecastingapproaches, andbeable toovercomesomeinherentdrawbacks, and,
eventually, toachievesignificant improvements in forecastingaccuracy.
The22articles inthiscompendiumalldisplayabroadrangeofcutting-edgetopicsof thehybrid
advanced technologies in STLF fields. The preface authors believe that the applications of hybrid
evolutionary algorithms/models to overcome some critical shortcoming of a single evolutionary
algorithm/modelor todirectly improvetheshortcomingsbytheoretical innovativearrangements.
Based on these collected articles, an interesting (future research area) issue is how to guide
researcherstoemployproperhybridtechnologyfordifferentdatasets. Thisisbecauseforanyanalysis
models (includingclassificationmodels, forecastingmodels,andsoon), themost importantproblem
is how to catch the data pattern, and to apply the learnedpatterns or rules to achieve satisfactory
performance, i.e., thekeysuccess factor ishowtosuccessfully look fordatapatterns.However, each
model excels in catchingdifferent specific data patterns. For example, exponential smoothing and
ARIMAmodels focusonstrict increasing (ordecreasing) timeseriesdata, i.e., linearpattern, though
they have a seasonalmodificationmechanism to analyze seasonal (cyclic) change; due to artificial
learningfunctiontoadjustthesuitabletrainingrules, theANNmodelexcelsonlyif thehistoricaldata
Short-Term Load Forecasting by Artificial Intelligent Technologies
- Titel
- Short-Term Load Forecasting by Artificial Intelligent Technologies
- Autoren
- Wei-Chiang Hong
- Ming-Wei Li
- Guo-Feng Fan
- Herausgeber
- Ort
- Basel
- Datum
- 2019
- Sprache
- englisch
- Lizenz
- CC BY 4.0
- 978-3-03897-583-0
- Abmessungen
- 17.0 x 24.4 cm
- Seiten
- 448
- Schlagwörter
- Scheduling Problems in Logistics, Transport, Timetabling, Sports, Healthcare, Engineering, Energy Management
- Kategorie
- Informatik